Chapter Twenty-Three

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Jungkook's Pov:

Even though I had conducted a detailed investigation on Seokjin's family, meeting Seokjin's parents was a pleasant surprise. They were friendly and down-to-earth, which was not quite what I had anticipated based on my previous interactions with in-laws.

Mrs. Kim had asked that we meet alone on her back patio to have a chat about my relationship with her son. In the little time I had spent with this lady, I could deduce where a portion of Seokjin's personality originated. I appreciated that this woman was straightforward with her remarks. I disliked individuals who buried their genuine feelings; I liked to know what I was dealing with, and she struck me as someone who would quickly reveal her opinions.

"From what I've seen, Jungkook, you strike me as an honorable person; nonetheless, there are many things about which I continue to be curious, especially concerning my son. Besides the fact that he is carrying your kids, what about my son led you to decide to marry him?"

"Mrs. Kim, you have every right to be inquisitive; therefore, feel free to ask me any question, and I will gladly respond. Regarding my decision to marry Seokjin, his pregnancy was a major factor. However, I would be dishonest if I didn't admit that before the incident, I had the opportunity to observe your son on multiple occasions, and I was always in awe of how magnificently he carried himself and effortlessly commanded the room. I am drawn to his confidence and strength, knowing that despite suffering a big loss, he was able to pick himself up and move ahead, which I deeply respect.

When I learned that Seokjin was pregnant, I was in the midst of a divorce, and I saw it as a second shot at something I had previously lacked. Obviously, we are still getting to know each other and are experiencing personality differences, but I am confident that Seokjin is the man I need to have a family with."

It seemed as if she was contemplating what I had said since she did not quickly respond. I couldn't lie and claim that his being pregnant wasn't a factor; it was, but there were many other factors. Seokjin is exceptional; had it been any other guy, I would never have remarried.

I heard her sigh, and it made me a bit concerned, as I didn't want to not have their approval as in-laws. I knew how much Seokjin respected his parents.

"Seokjin is different, and I'm sure you've already noticed that. When he told me he was getting married again, I was upset. At first, I was upset when he said he was pregnant, but it was not for Yoongi. I didn't want him to have anything to do with artificial insemination. My son didn't get along with Yoongi's family because they thought he only wanted their son for his money. I have to say that my son has some questionable taste.

The funny thing is, he didn't come from a wealthy family. My husband and I are poor. Well, our salary and years of work allow us to live comfortably now. When Seokjin was younger, life was much harder for us, and we sometimes had trouble putting food on the table. We decided to have just one child because we couldn't afford to have more.

Because of this and his clothes, Seokjin was often picked on at school. When he got home from school one day, I remember he was so mad at his dad and me. He wanted to know why we were so poor and why he had to endure so much. I tried to teach him that money isn't everything, that we all have breath and life, and that he should care more about that, than what other people think of him or what he wears. I don't think that ever worked with him.

He swore he would marry a wealthy man and have a free lifestyle. I had no reason to question his beliefs since you obviously know my son; when he was a senior in high school, he was showered with presents and had everyone eating out of his hands.

I worried a lot about him. I wanted him to go to college, get a good job, and take care of himself in ways his father and I couldn't, but we couldn't afford it. I felt bad, but then his dad got a promotion and moved to a new job where they helped pay for their kids' college tuition. We talked about it and agreed that it would be a great thing for Seokjin to do. But Seokjin came and told us that he was moving to Seoul and wouldn't be going to college in Busan.

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