Chapter Twenty-Seven

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A/N: I thought about this book a lot this week, specifically JK and his agreements. I had a long work week reviewing crazy long agreements, and I dealt with this client whom I told no in many different ways that some clause he wanted in an agreement could not happen. He revised about ten times the agreement to include in various ways exactly what I said could not happen. He thought if he changed the wording slightly, I would approve it. I got a headache from him.


Seokjin's Pov:

I knew Jungkook was not pleased with me, but I did not give a damn about it at the time. It was his fault that I was so worked up over the event since he should not have informed me about it in the first place. Even though I have a cast on my hand, we will attend this event. I have no idea when I will have another chance to get dressed up and go out. Also, I needed to see this guy whom Jungkook had been married to in the past because I wanted him to witness how much happier Jungkook is now that he is no longer with him. I was not going to let this opportunity slip through my fingers.

As a result, I appreciated Jungkook's silence as he held my hand, and we made our way toward the building housing the event. It didn't make a difference to me whether or not he was talking to me since I was receiving what I wanted anyway, which made me happy.

It took a lot of effort on my side, and I shed a few tears in the process, but it was not in vain since I successfully got him to give in. He was so worried about me that he believed a sprained wrist would end me. Jimin misled him into thinking that the pain in my wrist was far worse than it really was.

In reference to Jimin, the fact that he did not inform Jungkook that the recovery process would take longer than twelve weeks was the straw that broke the camel's back for what might have been a blossoming relationship between the two of us. As someone who is also expecting, I assumed he would be able to empathize with me and even make the situation even better for me, but he did not. I don't know whether I could ever get along with someone like him as a friend.

If it were Hoseok, he would never let me down like that. Now, I will have to figure out what other kinds of sprains I can get to have this man stay home with me. Twelve weeks was not enough. Starting tomorrow, I will have to think of something.

"Stay close to me at all times." My train of thinking was broken when Jungkook pulled me closer to him and held me there as soon as we were inside the building. "Many people will be coming to me tonight; I apologize in advance."

He was under the impression that this was my very first rodeo. In the past, I had attended events that were comparable to these. Now that I am here, I am certain that the number of individuals who will approach him will double.

When people saw me at events like these, they immediately wanted to approach me and learn more about me.

It didn't surprise me when I glanced around that I had been the focus of everyone's attention so fast; many people were looking at me. Although I am pregnant, I knew for a fact that the reason why people were gazing at me had nothing to do with the fact that I am pregnant.

They were plainly gazing for two different reasons: first, they were inquisitive about the identity of such a gorgeous guy, and second, they were wondering about when the multibillionaire Jeon Jungkook got locked down by another man than the one they were accustomed to seeing.

I gave a broad grin and stayed close to my husband as I looked around the room, making eye contact with several people. Some sheepishly turned away, while others did their best to maintain eye contact with me, but I didn't allow them the opportunity to do so.

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