Chapter Five

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A/N: This chapter was written with the last chapter, but I was not going to publish it all. So here is the rest today.

Seokjin's Pov:

When I finally got a hold of it, I discovered that its weight lived up to its appearance. I couldn't believe he really believed that my only responsibility was to sign it and then return it to him. I glanced at him without opening the folder, giving him my full attention.

"I want to express my appreciation for allowing your attorney to work on this agreement on our behalf. I will discuss it with my lawyer, and after we have completed our discussion and review, I will come back to you-"

He interrupted me and stated, "there is nothing that calls for any further review. I have provided you with information on the key details of the agreement."

Of course, he did it. "In the event that you are uninformed, Mr. Jeon, please allow me to explain. You are someone I have never met before. I have gone through a significant amount of change over the last two years. I am now having a difficult time covering all of my expenses. I don't think you can understand what it's been like to live my life because I don't think you have the ability to do so. My husband and I always intended for us to have a family, so being parents was what we had anticipated happening in the future.

If that had been the case, there are some assets that my child would have been permitted to get, which would have resulted in a life that was easier for both of us. This is not the case at this moment. My expenses will become overwhelming, and I have to find a way to pay them off. I am now jobless, and while making every attempt to find work that is a suitable fit for my talents and expertise, I have not been successful in doing so.

There has been a lot going on, and if I were to discuss it all, you would hear me till tomorrow morning. Therefore, when I say I must review this, it is because I cannot afford any more losses. I do not want to sign a document that gives you the authority to take my kid away from me in the future." I had gone beyond the bounds of what was true, but I refused to be deceived.

As he looked at me, I could not decipher the emotion on his face. It wasn't easy to discern what he was thinking, but the fact that he maintained his composure was interesting.

"Allow me to clarify, Seokjin, in case I did not make this clear. Financial worries should never emerge. Later this week, you will get a bank card to handle any upcoming bills. This card may be used for whichever purpose you need. In addition, I was hoping you could refrain from working throughout your pregnancy and until our child is a teen. I need your dedication to our child. Giving them care and raising them. This may be a huge request, but I need it. In this respect, I will ensure that your financial needs are satisfied.

Since you will be reviewing the document in detail, I should emphasize that I have encouraged you to abstain from sexual activity during your entire pregnancy."

I couldn't contain my excitement over getting the credit card and not working, but now what?

"I am sorry, Mr. Jeon, I don't think I quite understand the last part of your statement. Are you stating that you do not want me to have sex while pregnant?"

"You are right. Given that your spouse passed away not too long ago and that you are still grieving over his passing, I don't see this as a problem."

"Do not mention my husband or anything associated with him." I quickly reacted to him since he was in the wrong, not because of his bank card, but because of himself. I needed a big breath to calm myself down. "This is my body, and I determine whether or not to have sex. Not you."

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