Chapter Eight

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Seokjin's Pov:

"I am relieved that I stopped by. You were a great help; I will text you when I am home." When Ken thanked me for my assistance, he embraced me and planted a peck on my cheek before saying goodbye. I'm glad he stopped by since being able to help him was beneficial to me. As there were a lot of new items that came out during the previous couple of weeks that I had missed, I intended to spend the rest of my night playing catch-up on everything that I had missed.

Immediately after my successful eviction of this intruder from my home, I did not know why he was still here, even though Ken was coming over, which he attempted to stop, but he learned very quickly that I am the only one who decides who is allowed or not allowed into my house.

I had offered him the use of my home office, well, it was Yoongi's office, for his meeting; however, he has been there ever since, and I believe he lost track of time, but I needed him to go now.

When I got to the office door, it was closed, but I didn't bother knocking on it. Instead, I pushed the door open and was ready to start talking when he stopped me from across the room by raising his hand and holding it up. After that, he continued talking, and at that point, I understood that he was on the phone. When I took my phone out of my pocket and checked the time to make sure I wasn't losing it, I wasn't. It was almost nine o'clock. The man had to be insane to still be on a business call.

Because this was my house and not his place of business, I stood at the doorway's threshold with my arms crossed over my chest and observed him. Whatever he was talking about, he gave his whole attention to it. I had no idea what he was talking about, and he seemed to be taking what he was saying quite seriously. I do not doubt that the other person on the other end was not pleased with his tone; I know that I would not have been.

"Are you going to continue to stand there?" It took me a while to understand that the question he had asked was intended for me after hearing him express it. I was a little perplexed; did I suddenly lose the title to this house?

"Are you going to make plans to go home?" I responded by asking, did he forget where he was at?

I heard him speak again, but it wasn't to me; it was to whoever talked to him through his earphones. He was staring intently at his laptop screen, which made me wonder if he was on a video call.

I remained there for an additional ten minutes, during which time he carried on with his meeting as if I did not exist. After some time, I concluded that I was trespassing in my own house, at which point I walked out and proceeded to the kitchen in search of something to eat. Sadly, the meal I had at the restaurant did not stay down, which negatively affected my mood. However, Ken's visit was a blessing in disguise since it assisted in lifting my spirit.

Tonight, I was planning on attempting to eat some soup, but I didn't want to overdo it since I wasn't sure whether it would help. I needed to locate a different doctor to obtain a second opinion on what was going on and why it was happening. I was aware that some people get morning sickness, but this took it to a whole new level, driving me crazy.

When he stepped in, looking disheveled and exhausted, I had just finished preparing my soup, had a delicious bowl for myself, and was in the process of cleaning my kitchen. I couldn't believe this guy was still in my house when I looked over at the time on the stove and saw that it was nearly midnight. The audacity of him. I realize we were having kids, but we are not friends. You shouldn't be at my house at midnight.

"I am leaving. If you could send me a text message with your email address, I will have my attorney email the new agreement to you. Tomorrow, you should have it in your possession. I leave for a flight in a few hours and will be out of the country until Friday. Therefore, I need you to look it over before I get back. On Friday, my flight is scheduled to arrive around noon, and I will be here at the latest between 2:30 and 3:00 so that we can talk about it. Hopefully, you won't have any questions, and it will be signed by the time I am back."

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