Chapter Thirty-One

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Seokjin's Pov:

I was soundly asleep when I was abruptly jolted awake by noises and movements in the room. My eyes were having a hard time opening because of the bright light that was on. After each time that I forced them open, it hurt to keep them open, which caused me to groan in aggravation. I was aware that I did not go to sleep with the lights on in the room. I also knew I had locked the door to the room, so this annoyed me.

"Jungkook?" If it wasn't him, then it was probably Yoongi's ghost, which I would prefer to deal with now.

After massaging my eyes, I was able to open them completely, and at the same time, I saw Jungkook stroll into the room. The fact that the door was wide open contributed to my confusion. I was aware that it was locked before I went to bed.

After making eye contact with me, he lingered in front of the bed for a while. "I apologize if I woke you up. My flight leaves in just a little over three hours. There are a few things I need to finish up in South America, and doing so shouldn't take me more than four days. I won't be gone for very long. Most of the work has already been completed; all that remains is for me to bring things to a close.

How are you? We did not conclude things nicely before you went to bed. I want us to talk about it. When I arrive, I will phone you so that we can talk. Does that work for you?"

So this is how he tells me he is traveling. Great. Whatever.

"Okay. I hope you have a safe flight and that all goes well. I am not feeling well, but I am sure I will be fine. Also, I will be looking for a job; upon hearing what you had to say, I think it will be best if I find one. I have an old model agency; I plan to reach out to-"

"Seokjin, I never said you needed to work. Don't bother contacting any absurd model agencies; they're not worth your time. How realistic is it for you to pursue a career in modeling when our children are expected to arrive within the next two months? I encourage you to hold off on taking action until I get back; we will continue our conversation when I get there. Put working out of your mind for the time being. Concentrate on yourself and the kids."

I am confused. One minute I don't earn money, I spend money, yet I cannot work?


"We have enough money to last a lifetime. I don't want you working. Work on being a stay-at-home parent—an entrepreneur even. The mall, we can discuss that. I think you would be great at that. The modeling it's not going to work. You will be too busy with the kids for that. Just scrap that idea. We will talk about this when I arrive. Please do not call any agencies, Seokjin. I am sorry if our conversation made you feel like you need to work. I want us to partner with a business, like a mall, but I don't expect you to be dedicated to having a full-time job. Let's pause that thought, okay?"

I am aware that I am pregnant and experiencing hormonal changes; nonetheless, I am not crazy. This guy particularly called me out for not working and not understanding what it is like to earn a cent, and now I am thinking about changing my ways and finding a job, and then he comes with this? Shouldn't I be the one who experiences sudden shifts in moods?

"Jungkook, I understand you. We really must discuss this-" I halted what I was doing and took a deep breath as I felt a sharp pain shoot through my body. It has happened much too often now. These children are most likely going to be the cause of my untimely demise.

"I'm sorry, but it seems like these kids are getting into a fight every minute. Anyway, like I was saying before, this is something that has to be discussed. Although I wouldn't say I liked our conversation earlier, I believe it is important that we continue to talk about it when you are not in a hurry to board a plane. I'm not going to phone any agencies; rather, I'm going to get in touch with Taehyung about a job that he-"

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