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"You okay Euna?" Sokka asks, waving a hand in front of my face.

I look out in wonder at the large harbor before us. Ships of all different nations and sizes fill the ports. Different shops litter the land. The ground is humming with the footsteps of people walking around. It felt nice to have my Kyoshi Warrior makeup on. For all of the times I refused to train with the girls, I missed them, especially Suki. I was doing this journey for them, so no one else would be hurt back home. To wear our island's uniform proudly helped me feel less homesick. "Yeah" I smile. "I'm surprised you don't feel the same way. I've only ever been on Kyoshi Island for sixteen years."

Sokka shrugs, "I've gotten used to the time with Aang and my sister. Definitely different from the tribe."

"You can say that again."

"Earth Nation! Fire Nation! Water Nation! So long as bargains are your inclination, you're welcome here! Don't be shy, come on by!" A man calls from in front of a large ship. Aang and Katara veer their path, Sokka and I following. I can tell by the ship it's a pirate ship. Kyoshi always hated pirates, even when she was alive. "Oh! You there, I can see from your clothing that you're world-traveling types. Perhaps I can interest you in some exotic curios?"

Aang grins ear to ear "Sure! What are curios?"

The pirate strokes his chin. "I'm not entirely sure. But we got 'em!" Pulling Aang onto the ship, we follow.

The ship is full to the brim with items stolen from across the world. Even though my feet aren't on hard rock, I softly hear Kyoshi scoff in the back of my mind. I frown at the old gold fans that looked similar to my own. Filthy pirates. However, I do grab some makeup on a shelf. I was starting to run out, and I did not want to lose apart of my identity. I pass one of the men a few coins, stuffing the items in my bag.

"A nobleman in the Earth Kingdom already agreed to purchase that. Unless you have two-hundred gold pieces right now" the pirate howls, bringing me back to my friends.

"What is he doing" I whisper to Sokka.

"Your guess is as good as mine" he groans "Maybe an old airbender trick?"

Aang laughs nervously, holding up two copper pieces in between his fingers. "Aang, can we please get out of here" Katara frowns, the smile falling slightly from the Avatar's face.

"Aye, we be casting off now!" Aang hollers, Katara leading us out of the ship.

"What was that about?" Sokka asks "I still wanted to look at their boomerang collection."

"I just wanted to get out of there" she snaps.

A chill goes down my neck. Turn around. "Hey!" A pirate screams, jumping onto the pier.

"I knew they'd come to their senses" Aang smirks, popping the collar of his shirt. A dozen more pirates join their friend. Katara grabs Aang's arm, "I don't think they're here to trade!"

Sokka grabs my sleeve, pulling me to catch up with his sister and the Avatar. As we run, I wave my hand, a cloud of dust pulling from the stone. "I thought I tipped well" I groan.

What did I tell you about pirates, Euna?

"Aang where are you going?" I snarl as he and Katara turn down a street. "That's a dead end!" Grabbing Sokka's hand, I kick the earth, a small piece launching us onto the rooftop above. The pirates corner Katara and Aang, Sokka ready to throw a boomerang.

"You shake things up, I'll knock some heads" Sokka commands. He reminded me so much of Suki, but slightly less mature. I never did get to ask what happened between her and Sokka, perhaps I'll have to bother him about it.

"Sounds good chief" I grin, sliding onto the ground below. My toes curl into the ground, shaking the pirates off balance. "Go!" Sokka cries, whacking a couple pirates with his boomerang.

"Hold on!" Aang calls to Katara, who holds on tightly to his torso, soaring over the rooftop and towards the woods where Appa was.

"Let's get out of here!" Sokka says, jumping onto the rock I have, ready to sail us through the streets. He looks back, sighing in relief that no one was following us.

"So" I chirp, Kyoshi like smirk forming on my lips. "Should I be expecting you to join the Kyoshi Warriors anytime soon?"

His cheeks go red "You saw that?"

"Of course! The whole village did."

"Well, I just realized I was wrong for thinking a team of girls couldn't kick my butt" he grins nervously, rubbing the back of his head.

"Suki gave you the 'I'm a Warrior but I'm also a girl too' speech didn't she?" I laugh, Sokka only blushing more. "Hopefully we can see her soon."

"Me too, Euna. I just wouldn't feel right until we end this war." I rest a hand on his shoulder, steadying him as we stop at camp. He goes to say more, but Katara's voice cuts the air.

"Yes I stole it! But they stole it from some poor water bender!"

"Oh boy, magic water gets us in trouble yet again" Sokka sighs.

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