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If you're reading this, I am no longer on Kyoshi Island. I'm so sorry I was unable to keep our village safe, and I will not return until I am able. Tell Suki not to worry, and to do what I could not. I hope to find an Earthbending Master, someone other than Avatar Kyoshi herself to train me in the bending arts. Please, don't come to find me, I must do this. I was deemed The Protector of the island, and I will make sure to live up to it.

Love, Euna.

The ground shakes beneath me, almost throwing me back, but I stay planted. The Hippo growls, his two teeth sticking out. Breathing heavily, I feel the man's heavy foot raise from the ground, getting ready to stomp. Punching my hand forward, the ground shifts, grabbing onto the man's foot and yanking him to the ground. He howls out in pain, trying to fire rocks at me. With a kick, The Hippo flies from the ring.

"Well done" Xin Fu claps, a grin on his lips. "You've been doing quite well."

"Thank you" I bow respectively. "You've been an excellent teacher."

"Now, you know you don't have to fight in that getup? Surely there's something more comfortable in town" he chuckles, looking at my uniform.

Shaking my head, I look down. "I've always fought in this, and I will continue to do so."

Xin Fu nods, clearly interested. "One of my best fighters is coming in today, perhaps you two can rumble. What did you say your fighting group was?"

"Kyoshi Warriors" I reply, raising a brow.

"That't it" he grins, rubbing his hands together. "The Blind Bandit and The Kyoshi Warrior." Instantly, I feel part of the wall opening up, a light figure walking towards the ring. Turning, I see a small girl, around The Avatar's age. "Bandit" Xin Fu says. "This is Kyoshi. Mind showing her the ropes? The Hippo can go easy on new comers."

"I didn't say I was coming here to fight" I state harshly. "I just need to learn."

"And learn you will. The Blind Bandit is one of the best."

I almost question her status, but the shock of the Avatar's age left me prepared. Cracking her knuckles, the girl smiles. "Sure you're ready to fight? Wouldn't want your fancy getup to be ruined." Cocky.

Shrugging off her remark, stay on my toes, quickly throwing two small rocks. The girl moves past them, arms extended. Just as I move my foot, she shoots out the ground below me, throwing me off balance. I look to her, milky eyes staring back at me. Was she really blind?

Staying on my toes, I turn her around, a snarl escaping her lips. "You'll have to be faster than that" she hisses, knocking her knuckles together, a pillar shooting out of the around right in front of me. Gasping, I roll out of way, shooting three rocks towards her. She easily catches two of them, easily smashing the third with her foot, as if she knew it was coming. Whipping them back at me, the rocks explode on my shoulders, shoving me out of the ring.

Coughing, I dust off my uniform, seeing the girl hold out her hand to me. Reluctantly, I take it, letting her help me to my feet. "Thanks" I sigh. "I've never seen earthbending like that since I've gotten here."

"Thanks" she smirks. "You still have alot to learn."

"That's why I'm here, I was the only bender back home" I sigh.

While her face remains still, her voice raises in surprise. "Really?"

"Yeah" I shrug. "I'm from an island south of here." Looking around, I watch as Xin Fu puts out the candles, the ring closing. "I guess I need to find a place to stay tonight."

The girl remains silent for a moment, then speaks. "Let me walk you out."

I look around, watching the others fighters turn away, clearly listening. Nodding, I follow her out.


"My real name is Euna" I say once we get into the street, the sun setting.

"Toph. Toph Beifong" the girl says quietly. "I can try to get you a place to stay tonight. My parents are really big on hosting important people. Surely you can come up with something, they can't find liars as easily as I can" she grins, pulling me towards an alleyway. Once out of sight, she pull a dress down, covering her pants, and shrugs off her jacket, leaving her in a beautiful silk dress. Shaking the headband from her hair, she pins her bangs back.

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