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I'm so sorry it took me so long to update! I hope you are all doing well and are healthy and safe.

"The Avatar?" Toph scoffs, crossing her arms. "I heard that the last airbenders were killed a hundred years ago."

Toph and I walked through the gardens, a silky dress replacing her usual garb. On Thursdays she spent the afternoon with her family, so I only had a small window of time.  I gently place a hand on her shoulder, stopping her from walking further.

"I told you that I came from Kyoshi Island, but things are a bit more complicated than that."

"I'm all ears" Toph grins ahead. "My closest friends are huge animals in caves so nothing is too complicated."

Sighing, I look out into the garden. I've been with Toph for a few weeks now, and we've spent the entire time training. She is an incredible earthbender, although she isn't the kindest teacher. Then again, Kyoshi wasn't either. She has the blunt personality I enjoy in a person, and we've continued to become fast friends. It makes what I have to tell her so much more painful.

"I told you that Avatar Kyoshi trained me, however the current Avatar visited my home for a short time. Many of the past Avatars from the Earth Kingdom speak to me, and they've told me I need to rejoin the Avatar to save my people."

"So you've met the Avatar?" Toph smiles, on the verge of laughing. "Where has he been for the past hundred years? In an iceberg?" She howls with laughter, almost catching attention from the guards.

"I have, I don't know where he's been this entire time, but he is alive" I take her hands, bringing my voice to a whisper. "I'm going to have to leave soon, so I can find him."

"You can't leave!" Toph blurts loudly. "You can't leave me here with my parents, you're the only reason I'm able to leave the house without guards!"

"I don't want to leave you either" I frown, squeezing her hands. "But I'll come back, I promise on my life. Besides, someone has to keep Xin Fu in line."

"Please" she tries again. "Don't leave me here. I can always come with you!"

"Toph" I sigh. "You know your parents would never let you leave."

"We could say we're going to Kyoshi Island, for a celebration" Toph pushes, squeezing my hands.

"I wouldn't know what to do with myself if you were to get hurt. Please, I need to do this on my own" I plead, tears forming in my eyes.

"After all this time you still think I'm some weak blind girl?!" Toph snaps, releasing my hands, quickly wiping her own face. "Go on then, just leave me here and forget about me like the rest of the world."

"Toph please-"

"I said go!" She screams, shoving me back with a wall of earth, tears covering her face. I'm barely even able to move my leg before it sinks into the ground, my elbows digging into the dirt. "Did you just use me so you could learn earthbending for free? Are you even from Kyoshi Island?!" she screeches.

Anger boils within me, my palms growing warm. "How dare you accuse me of such a thing" my voice booms, and I know Kyoshi is with me. The earth trapping me restores itself effortlessly, my chest tight with the presence of the past Avatar. "I watched my home be burned to the ground by the Fire Nation!" I snarl, towering over the girl. "I told you I would come back, but I have to do this, for my people."

Before I can even stop myself, Kyoshi pushes me away from Toph, who screams in anger.


"Why did you do that?" I snarl angrily at Kyoshi's spirit. I gripped the straps to my bag as we walked through the forest. "Merge with me?"

"She was endangering you and your mission, you're lucky I'm in a good mood"

"Well I would appreciate it if you didn't do things like that, you know what happened the last time you did that" I sigh, yawning. "And it weakens me."

"Perhaps if you didn't let a little girl put your life in danger I wouldn't have to."

I roll my eyes, of course Kyoshi would never apologize. "How am I supposed to find the Avatar?"

"You met the young boy, he needs to master the elements" she states, "what would make the most sense?"

"Well clearly he didn't seem interested in learning earthbending, and he did have those two kids from the Water Tribe. Perhaps he was learning waterbending?" I look to Kyoshi, who remains silent. "But, there's only one place with waterbenders."

Her spirit fades as I enter a opening in the forest. How in the world was I going to make it to the Northern Water Tribe by myself? I focus on the scene in front of me, a small spring was completely destroyed by earthbenders. 

What could have happened here? Bending down, I pick up a red robe, it was made from fine silk. 

I feel the heavy footsteps behind me, but the person's hands are around my throat before I can do anything. My eyes are heavy, already weakened by Kyoshi's presence before.

"Where is my Uncle?" the man snarls, and I instantly know who he is. 

"Zuko" I snarl, fighting his grip.

His brows raise slightly in surprise before settling back into a look of anger. "How in the spirits did you end up here?"

"I could ask you the same question" I spit, hoping he would drop me, but all he does is loosen the grip on my throat. 

He sneers, looking at the robe. "That belongs to my uncle, what happened to him?"

"I don't know, I just got here myself."

"Liar!" he screams, his hands beginning to heat up, and I panic. 

"Please, I can help you find him, if you let me go" my eyes are wide, fearful of him firebending. "He was obviously taken by earthbenders, and they'll trust me, no one will have to be harmed."

He looks back to the robe, in thought.

"How else are you supposed to find him? I can sense movement in the earth" I press.

Groaning, he releases the grip on my neck, instead using the robe to tie my hands together. "We better get going then, peasant."

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