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Above is Euna!
Credit to Minuiko on Tumblr
(A huge thank you to stob_it_taehyung and -infinityfox for helping me find the artist!!)

I don't remember the last time I went outside without my makeup. My skin still managed to hold its color, and it felt odd to see my actual eyebrows, which were more brown than black. Toph told me that since my uniform was my identity in the arena, I needed to hide myself.

"I hate this" I seethe, leading Toph through the gardens, however she was more or less leading me out of her home and into the forests around her town."I shouldn't be ashamed of my culture."

Toph sighs, stopping in her tracks. "Why did you leave? I know you're telling the truth, about knowing the past Avatar."

"The Fire Nation attacked" I frown, looking down in shame. "I couldn't stop them from destroying my village. I had to leave."

She squeezes my arm. "Xin Fu isn't going to teach you bending" she says sourly.

"Then how did you become so good at bending?" I ask sharply.

"I worked with the first earthbenders" she replies faintly. A pang of guilt hits me as I realize she didn't work alone. "You will learn new moves in the arena, but to truly learn earthbending, you must learn from benders that are above you." She stops, shifting her feet carefully. Ahead, the ground opens, leaving a dark cave. "Use your bending, not your eyes" Toph says, easily walking into the darkness.

Taking a breath, I follow her down slowly. With each step, I feel the cave around me go on forever, but more importantly, I feel the giant beasts lurking below. "They're here?" I ask.

"Yes" Toph replies. "They've built caves like these for years, trying to stay away from the surface." I'm desperate to see, trying to make my eyes adjust to the darkness. I cling to Toph for guidance. "You can't hold onto me the entire time" she snaps, moving away from me.

I feel utterly alone, even though I can hear Toph' swift breaths a few feet away. Closing my eyes, I press my foot deeper into the ground, trying to see the landscape around me. Similar to how I looked at the island, I faintly see Toph's figure quickly moving towards the other side of the cave.

Follow her

I shake my head, slowly moving forward, bending the earth around me so I can follow the girl.

A faint smile forms on my lips as I begin to gain speed, but just as I begin to run, I falter. A rock I didn't see sends me reeling.

Gasping, I hold my leg which burns from the fall. Opening my eyes I'm met with a bright light.

"Kyoshi" I whisper, getting to my feet.

"What are you doing?" She growls, her usually cool demeanor was now booming with anger. "Why are you in a cave instead of on your island? Protecting your people?"

"I'm learning" I whisper, unable to look her in the eyes. "So I can protect them."

"You have to go back Euna" she demands. "Now."

Anger bubbles inside me and I meet her gaze. "We May have a connection but it doesn't mean you can control me" I growl. "You are not my mother."

"You have a duty" she claims.

"I'm not the Avatar" I snap. "I don't have to do anything. I'm not your little puppet to fix your mistakes."

"Euna" she says sternly.

"Leave me alone!" I yell, stomping my feet. The rock in front of me fades away to sand, light from the outside peering inside. Outside Toph looks in, clearly feeling what happened.

"Looks like you're not a lost cause!" She cheers.

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