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"I'm sorry I hit you with my water whip too Euna" Katara groans, plopping herself down next to me and Appa.

I laugh, rubbing my red arm. "Trust me, you should have seen me when I first learning earth bending."

"How did you learn earth bending? I mean you're just like me, the only bender in your village" she frowns, readjusting her hair.

Kyoshi scoffs in the back of my head, disgusted I had not yet mentioned her. "It still confuses me how, but Kyoshi...Avatar Kysohi and I were born on the same day, different years of course. Surprisingly in the history of the island, no one has shared a birthday with the previous giant of an Avatar." I still remember the stories that still sparked around the island.

My mother and father were in love, and desperately longed for a child together. My father, a fisherman had heard of small villages, even in a swamp that could help with fertility. Also a Kyoshi Warrior, my mother prayed and begged for Kyoshi's spirit to help her forge a child, so she could remain safe on the island. Kyoshi was worried about a world without an Avatar and the continuing war, so she promised to my mother that it would be a difficult pregnancy, but my birth would bring forth a protector, almost as strong as Avatar Kyoshi herself. She agreed.

"It was said on the day I was born, an earthquake shook the island, proof of Kyoshi's blessing" I chuckled, running my fingers through Appa's fur. "I first earth bent when I was two years old. A tantrum over a toy resulted in another earthquake, but it solidified Kyoshi's promise to my mother. Not long after that, I can still remember Kyoshi helping me to control my bending. However, before I ran into you all, I met a young girl who helped me to further practice my abilities."

Katara looks bewildered. "I knew spirits could have an attachment to the physical world, but I've never heard of them getting this involved with the lives of humans."

"Even more so with the Earth Kingdom" I laugh dryly, "We're the most stubborn, 'realistic' people around. Kyoshi did tell me there was another girl like me in the Northern Water Tribe."

"Interesting" she stroked her chin, the cover of night falling over us. Aang and Sokka were asleep in their sleeping bags. "I just want to learn more about bending. There's so much I need to do." She looks towards Aang's bag, slowly grabbing the water bending scroll she stole. "Mind coming to the river with me?"

I nod, we get up, slowly creeping away from camp. I couldn't imagine finding out I could bend, and not having anyone help me. I wish I could help Katara. I was starting to sound like Suki. "When did you find out you were a water bender?" I ask once we're a safe enough distance from camp.

A frown settles on her usually happy lips, "my brother and I were building snow people. He threw a snowball at me, and I tried to stop it with my arm, but instead pelted him with it...and all of the snow people."

I stifle a laugh. "I see Sokka's always been your victim."

She starts to giggle "Sometimes he deserves it. Besides what else am I supposed to do as the youngest?" She hands me the scroll, and I settle on a rock, holding it open for her.

She's strong.

I smile as she pulls from water from the river, slowly moving through the moves painted on the paper. There were definitely a few choice words I didn't expect from Katara, but she was determined.

Suddenly I felt footsteps..a group. "Katara" I whisper, closing the scroll. "There are a lot of people coming." Her eyes widen, focusing towards the path back towards camp.

"Come on, maybe whoever will leave us along if they see Appa" she replies. The hoots and hollers of the group were louder and growing closer. Pirates. You won't make it to camp. Katara pulls water from the river, pulling it to her chest.

I move to pull some rocks from the ground when someone grabs my wrist. We were caught off guard. The rowdy steps from the group were meant to hide lighter steps. Katara looks to me, a scowl on her face. Before she can attack, the pirates grab her arms.

"I'll save you from the pirates" Zuko smirks into my ear "and if you intend on keeping Katara intact, no bending."

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