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"Leave this village alone" I snarl, trying to get off of the rhino, but the boy holds on tightly. "The Avatar is quick, and was suppose to leave this morning" I lie straight through my teeth. 

"You're a terrible liar. Why not tell me that in the first place?" he hisses, the roofs of the village coming into view. 

"These people are innocent" I growl, looking at the ground. 

"They are housing the Avatar and deserve to be punished" he replies coldly. 

Taking a deep breath, I kick my foot, a small rock flying up and hitting the boy right in the head. He grunts, his hands leaving my side. I slide off the beast, quickly running ahead towards the village.

"Stop!" the boy yells out, a fire blast skimming along my cheek. 

I wince, holding my cheek as I run. "Fire Nation!" I scream loudly, entering the gates of the village. "The Fire Nation is here!" Turning around, I stomp the ground, raising up a wall between the men and the village. "Get to safety!" I call out to the villagers, continuing to rise walls around the front of the village. 

"Euna!" Suki cries out, taking my face in her hands. "You're bleeding."

"I'm fine" I hiss, looking over to Sokka, who is dressed just like us. I would need to talk to Suki about this. "The Fire Nation is here, being led by some boy with a scar."

"Zuko" Sokka snarls in disgust, just as a rhino slams through the wall. 

The boy- Zuko finds us instantly, a wicked smile on his lips. "Are you really going to let a bunch of girls get hurt for you, peasant?"

"I think you'll be the only one getting hurt" I hiss, twisting the earth around the ankles of the rhino. It howls out in surprise, the Kyoshi Warriors rushing past me towards the men. I look towards Zuko, anger pulsing through me. This boy had invaded my home, and threatened to burn it to the ground. Behind him stands the faded figure of Kyoshi's statue, looking down on me.

Zuko roars, fire escaping his fist. Moving quickly, the flames run along the metal shield in my hands. I look around, I was too open. My eyes fall on the bamboo forest, my feet quickly taking me there. "You can't run forever" the boy calls out, the noise of battle fading off. "I'm sure my father will be pleased if I bring him the only earthbender on this island."

"How can you make that assumption?" I question, sliding past a bundle of bamboo, out of sight.

"The same people who talked of the Avatar also talked about the only bender on this island. They say you've been blessed."

"Perhaps" I whisper, twisting Zuko off balance. "I seem to be keeping up with you."

"They say Avatar Kyoshi herself trains you" he calls, regaining his footing. "It would be a shame if you were to perish. Surely the Avatar's past life would come to your aid."

I turn another bamboo bundle, coming face to face with the boy, his hands curling around my wrists. I cry out, the heat from his hands unbearable. "Let go of me you murderous tyrant" I hiss, trying to twist from his grip. Kicking the ground below us, we fumble, his heated hands letting go. Gasping, I stand to my feet, watching in horror as a black plume of smoke rises from the village. "No" I croak, shaking my head.

"The Avatar!" Zuko calls out, watching as the large bison flies off into the sky, quickly taking off. I watch him run, almost taking another shot at him, but I turn back to my home, running. 

Many of the home were burned to the ground, mothers carrying their children with tears streaming down their faces. They look at me with disgust, some not even daring to look. I hang my head in shame, trying to find the other Warriors.

"Euna!" Avani calls weakly. Turning to the sound of her voice, I gasp, quickly coming to her side. A large strike of fire burned through her clothing, striking her skin like a hot iron rod.

"You're going to be fine" I assure her, helping her stand. She shakes her head, her makeup running down her face. "You fought alongside your sisters and protected your home, Avatar Kyoshi would be so proud of you."

"You think so?" she croaks. 

"I know so, she told me herself how proud she is of you" I smile, knowing Kyoshi would never admit such things. "Besides, you and I are going to look back at these scars, and remember this day, and know we protected our people." I motion to my cheek and her leg, a small, but weak smile on her lips. 

Avani's mother approaches, quickly taking her daughter from me. "You were suppose to be our protector, but instead to just let the Fire Nation come here, and burn down our home."


Other villagers approach, agreeing with her mother. "Those were only three men, what happens when they return?"

"You could have stopped them, but you failed."

"Can you even communicate with Kyoshi?" 

Stumbling, I look to everyone, watching the houses crumble behind them. Ashamed, I push past them, and towards the forest.

"Calm yourself" Kyoshi demands as I run deeper into the forest. 

"Leave me alone" I choke, trying to throw a rock at her. "I thought I could protect our village, but I failed."

"You've never experienced a fight like that before" she says sternly.

"Or perhaps you're a terrible teacher. It has been a few hundred years since you've used your bending, things have changed" I snarl, turning to her misty figure. "Maybe I need to find a new teacher."

"Where would you go? What about your home" Kyoshi asks, her tone almost bored. 

I run a hand through my hair, thinking off of the top of my head. "There are thousands of earthbenders on the mainland, surely one of them will help me, someone who is actually alive."

"Euna" she says sharply.

"I failed you, I failed the entire island" I growl, looking to the smoke once more. "I can't go back until I can actually protect them."

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