Chapter 8- Jade

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Hey guys!! Here is Jade's pov! I promise where almost to the good part just a couple more chapters bear with us!


I stared at Ashlynne's face and I was flooded with anger. How could he not cate that he punched her beautiful face, she is so messed up she has two black eyes, a broken nose, and stitches on her forehead from hitting the hard cold floor. Yet she's in front of me smiling. Brandon broke her heart, but he had no need to break her face too! "Uh Ashlynne I have to go , not. I'll see ya at school tomorrow okay?" I walked out her room not waiting for a answer. I know I might seemed really rude but I was filled with too much anger. I walked up to the elevator and pushed (more like jammed) my finger on to the elevator button. i had to clear my head I had to get fresh air. 

Once I reached the waiting room what I saw, made me want to punch the freakin wall over, over, and over again. At the reception desk, with the nerve that he has, was Brandon talking to that red haired girl, he pointed at the flowers on the desk. The red hared girl nodded, and he turned and started to walk away. He saw me though and turned around, and started walking towards me. Oh gosh please no, please no. I walked faster to the exit, but he caught up t me. "Hey Jade." He said in a none enthusiastic voice. I ignored him and kept walking to the sliding doors. That didn't work, he just stayed by my side like a faithful dog. Yeah that's what he is, an ugly stupid dog.

Once we were outside the ugly dog tried talking to me again. "Uh Jade well uh, I'm sorry."

"Whatever!" I snarled back.

He continued on though, " and can you tell Ashlynne that I told her that I'm sorry for hurting her." That made me tense up, my hands opened and closed, like the sliding doors. It took all my will power to not punch his face right now. I turned around, "Your sorry!? Ha, your sorry. Oh really, ya whatever I'm not falling for that!" I spit on the ground toward his feet.

"Yes, i'm sorry." He said calmly, which we made me more tick. "Than why did you come all the way to just tell me?" Then I realized that the flowers where for her, "Oh so you think if you giver her flowers, and a I'm sorry note with a cheesy saying, she'll forgive you? Well i have new for you, pup. It won't help, you broke her heart and now she has a broken nose and a concussion . It's seem like you Don't really care, so why did you come to apologize?"

He looked at his feet and mumbled, "I don't know." He then turned his back at me and walked away. I stared at him with disbelief. How could that son of a bi, ugh! I walked to my truck and yanked the door open and headed home.


The next day at school Ashlynne ran up to me with her smiling face, "Hey Ashlynne."

"Hey Jade." Ah crap right behind Ashlynne was brandy, I groaned, "Hey sweetie." She said in her high pitched nasal sound voice, "Sweetie?" I asked with my tone frustrated with her face.

"Well I figured since we are boy friend and girl friend now we should come up with nicknames for each other."

I looked at her with disbelief I said calmly trying not to loose my temper on this funny looking girl. 

"Are you dumping me?" She said in a shrilly voice, I smiled,

"Why yes, yes I am." She slapped me across the face and stamped her foot. From then on I knew today was going to be a good day. I looked over at Ashlynne, she was trying to hold in laughter, just by the look of her face made me laugh. There me and Ashlynne stood in the parking lot, bursting out with laughter. Her eyes bright and shiny (and that doesn't include the black eyed part), the sun glistening in her hair. I didn't want this moment to end.

"Come on lets get to class." Ah too soon Ashlynne, you ended this perfect moment to soon. I wanted to wrap my arms around her waist so bad, but I knew she wouldn't like that. My classes seemed quick and esy, I guess it was because I know that Ashlynne would be waiting for me, and the best part? Brandon wouldn't be there with her. I walked into my last class for the day, I was grinning like a idiot. Everyone was staring at me, "Jade?" I looked over to see who called my name, it was a blonde haired girl name Kathy. She wasn't pretty and she had braces, "Um ya?" I replied not knowing what to say.

"This is my first time see you smile." I laughed and sat in my chair, I haven't been this happy for a long time. For the rest of the class period I day dreamed about Ashlynne. When the bell rang I practically ran out of the class room. Out the corner of my eye I saw a poster on the wall. It was a poster I normally would never pay attention to, prom. Yes! That is what I am going to do now. I ran out of school looking for Ashlynne. When I turned the corner I caught sight of Ashlynne's long brown hair, "Ashlynne, Ashlynne!" I yelled while waving my arms in the air. She  turned around,

"Oh hey, is there a fire or something?" She laughed like a angel. 

"Uh well I-I-I was just wondering, um, well," Gosh why do I always sound like a idiot around her, I looked at her eager face and took a big breath," Would you like to go to prom...with me?" I said quickly, until I reached with me then I said it slow and confused like.

"Sure!" I took a step back I was astonished.

"Really? Okay cool!" I tried to walk all cool like ,feeling like I'm on top of the world, until I feel and almost had a face full of concrete, she bursted out laughing and walked away.

"Hey Ashlynne?" I asked all red in the face.


"Where's your car?" I looked around trying to see if I missed it.

"Oh it's broken, it's getting fix right now."

"Do you want a ride then? Of course stubborn Ashlynne says,

"No I'm going, to the library for awhile, but thanks." I wanted to come but I didn't want her to think that I was too much of a stalker.

"Oh okay see ya, tomorrow, call me if you need a ride home."

"Forgot my cell phone but thanks again!"

I walked back at to my truck and glimpse back at her again. She makes my heart ache just looking at her. "Ash-" I shook my head and hoped in I don't want her to think I'm stalkerish and want to be with her all the time.


Da, da, da, ding! Ugh note to self change ringtone to house phone, "Dad can you get that?" Da, da,da, ding! I grunted and pushed myself off the couch. My dad is probably asleep by now. "Hello?" 

"Jade!?" a frantic voice said in the phone.

"Mrs. Wilson?" I looked at the clock 10:00, why would she be calling so late?

"Yes, Jade is Ashlynne with you?! I haven't seen her since I dropped her off at school this morning."

"No, she had to go to the library," There was a long pause on the phone, then I heard crying, "Mrs. Wilson are you oaky?" 

"Jade, Ashlynne's missing. We can't find her anywhere." She said in a quiet voice. The phone slipped from my hand. She's missing. Ashlynee's gone. My world stopped.

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