The Demon King's Lover

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Warning: Mentions of Torture, and kissing.

DK x Devin

Lucas and Inmo also be there. (Of course)

Devin's POV
How long has it been? Since he died. It's not fair. My lover died and my brother left. Even Eden's gone. The rest of the guild leaves me alone for the most part. Why me? Why did I get everything taken away from me?

I was walking around the island. Brandon advised that I get some time away from...his statue. I guess I have to agree. Fresh air is nice...

As I walked I started to feel as if I was being watched, I looked around a couple of times and didn't see anything. It must be my imagination...yeah my imagination.

Oh how wrong I was.

I woke up in a cold place. I shivered, hugging myself as I looked around. I was on a bed in an unfamiliar room. "Hello?" I called out. No response. I slid off the bed. I go to one of the two doors. It's locked. I go to try the other door and find it's a closet. I frown. "Hello?" I call out again. Who brought me here and why? I decide to explore the closet. When I see myself in a mirror the first thing I notice is the fact that I'm no longer wearing Ritchie's cloak. I gasp. How had I not noticed before? Who took it? Why? I'm wearing the rest of my clothes like normal. Why did they take the cloak? I feel tears start to well up. That's all I had left of him. Then I heard a knock on the door...and heard is voice.

"Devin, are you awake?" His voice asks. I run out to the room and to the door. "Yes I'm awake." I quickly respond, my heart pounding. It couldn't be him, could it? The door opened, revealing a familiar face. It Was Ritchie, but something was off. He didn't look quite the same...and he had horns. Was Rajin in control? Wait no...I know who he is. "You're the Demon King." I say. He smirks, bringing his hand up and cupping my face. " already know who I am. That saves me the trouble of explaining." He said. I back up, shaking. "W-why am I here? What do you want from me?" I ask. He smiles in a weird kind of way. "You're here because I want you to be. I couldn't just leave you all alone without me...besides my Devin already died." He said. I glared at him. "Because you killed him." I spat. He shook his head. "No, you've got the wrong idea. I loved my Devin. Someone else killed him.." He said. I frowned. "Oh, sorry. I just assumed from what I heard." Wait, why am I apologizing? Even if he didn't kill me in this timeline he's still evil. Then again...he looks so much like him. I clench my fist. "What did you do with his cloak?" I ask. He smirks. "I threw it away. I can't have thoughts of him distracting you from me." He said. My heart dropped. "Damn you." I seethed. He chuckled. "Now now. You're not the only one I brought here." He said before snapping and two figures came forth that I didn't see before. My eyes widened. It was Lucas and Inmo. They had seal stone cuffs and Lucas...his eyes looked dull while Inmo just looked, well, like Inmo. He smiled and waved. "Hi Devin." He greeted. The Demon King shot a look at him and he closed his mouth. "These two have been with me for a bit. Lucas longer then Inmo. As you can see, Lucas has been broken to my will while Inmo...well he's too dumb to even understand what that means but he thinks I'm your Ritchie." He explained, whispering at the last part. I glared at him. "Release them!" I demanded. He laughed. "Oh clam won't be long before you'll want to keep them as well. But that's a topic for later. For now. I should warn you that if you disobey me I'll hurt not just you, but them too." He threatened. My breath hitched, glancing at the two. No, I can't let him hurt them. I lowered my head. "F-fine. I'll listen...but I won't like it." I say. He seemed satisfied with that answer because he shoved Lucas and Inmo into the room and left.

" has it been here?" I ask the two. Lucas didn't even look at me. Inmo smiled. "Sir. Ritchie is scarier then usual but he's kind of nice. I'm glad he's back." He said. I was about to correct him that it wasn't our Ritchie but I stopped myself. He might not understand or believe me and I don't want to upset him. I've gotta keep his spirits up. I won't let that monster get to him. Gosh it feels so weird to call Ritchie a monster. Now as for Lucas. I slid over to him and place a hand on his shoulder. "Lucas, are you okay? You haven't spoken." He raises his head a bit and I got a better look at him. Deep purple bags were under his eyes. His expression was blank and his eyes...they were almost as bad as mine were these days. I frown. "What did he do to you?" I ask, reaching out my hand. He slaps it away. "You're lucky, at least you'll be loved. Meanwhile me and Inmo will be slaves to you guys." He snapped. I blink. "What do you mean?" I ask. Inmo perks up. "Oooo. Sir. Ritchie said that from now one we would serve him and you and he said something about making you love him." He chimed in. My eyes widened. "So he's using you as hostages and as slaves...that's horrible. I-I wish I could help but. He's too strong. Not even the twins together could take him on." I said, burying my face in my knees. This is bad, very bad. Lucas hummed. "Yeah, whatever. I'm gonna go to him. I predict any minute now he'll call for me anyways." He says, getting up and walking out. I frown. Poor Lucas, he doesn't deserve this. Neither of them do.

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