Mitch and Collin

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Bonding moments between the best dragon slayers. :D

Warnings- blood, dead body, Bitch Zata.

I need to make a list of insults to Zata, like, dude, don't ever touch Collin again. Get out, see ya. Restraining order, 500 kilometers away from Collin at all times.

Also. Sorry for any inaccuracies to the timeline or plot. It's been a while since I've watched Fto from either of these POVs so I don't remember a lot the details of what happened.


Viper, also known as Mitch was the strongest of the Dragon Slayers. Of course, he was ranked as SS after all.

Some people like to think that all the dragon slayers are family.

That's not true.

I know, I know, I'm crushing all of your dreams. Listen, Viper hates almost everyone. The only exceptions to that so far, are Kay and Allumos.

What in the world makes you think he cares about the other Dragon Slayers? Pretty sure he hates them.

Though, come to think of it, he may have warmed up to one of them after a certain incident....but he wasn't close with this kid or anything! He just happened to come across him, that's all!

Oh, you want me to tell the story? Ugh, fine. I suppose I am the narrator so it's my job and all...

It hadn't been so long since Viper and Allumos came back to find their guild had become a wreck.

Viper had been quite annoyed when he discovered that Collin, the Shadow Dragon slayer, was the only one left.

Of course, the weakest of them all was the only one to stick around. And, he had obviously lost it.

He talked to a skeleton for crying out loud!

Viper resorted to just ignoring the younger and yelling at him whenever he tried to approach him and especially when he played that stupid violin.

It got better when they got the new guild hall. Viper could spend his time alone in this room while Collin bothering Seek, one of the new recruits.

Speaking of Seek, Viper couldn't help but notice that not only did he share the name, but he looked awfully similar to that ice mage that used to be in the guild.

He also remembered that guy being friends with Collin, yet Collin never mentioned a thing about the old Seek.

Did Viper actually care?

No, of course not. He just happened to notice it because he's observant.

Though it did worry him, what if this guy was some kind of spy, an enemy that messed with their heads to slip in undetected. It's not at all impossible.

So, Viper decided to investigate. Though, he did not want to spend his time stalking Seek and he didn't really have anything else to go on with this suspicion, so, he decided to ask the very reason for his suspicions.


Viper didn't bother knocking on the magic door. Instead he placed his hand on it and watched as it disappeared, revealing the room. As soon as he stepped in, his attention was attracted by the paintings on the walls, art supplies strewn across the floor.

He didn't know Collin painted, and they actually looked pretty good in his eyes. Though, some might say they were disturbing.

Vipers eyes, well, Jaspers eyes(?)drifted to the Skeleton that was sitting in a strange chair. It gave him the chills.

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