Devin x Ritchie

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This takes place just after they got back to Salode but before they go to attack Devils Tongue.

Request by: Dragon_Lord_Girl

Devin's POV
Love is like a rose. It looks beautiful but if you're not careful when touching it you'll get hurt. That's how it is and that's how it always will be. I wish I had realized that sooner, maybe then I wouldn't be feelings this pain. These thorns from the stem of rejection. I'm not sure what to do. Eden says to just let go but I can't bring myself to. I love him so much, I'll stay by his side, even though he doesn't return my feelings. It's all I can do.

I hum, listening to Ritchie speak about how it was time to attack, like he has said before going to Salode. I was spacing in and out, just letting his voice calm me. I can't help but relax. It's strange, to be able to be soothed by someone's voice. I don't mind it though, it makes being around him easier in a way. 'You're such a simp Devin.' Eden teased. My face heated up, surely turning a deep red. "Devin? Are you okay?" Ritchie asked. I blinked, coming out of my thoughts, realizing how strange it must look to have suddenly turned red. I started to panic, I don't want to lie to him. "I-I'm- I'm O-Okay!!" I managed to stutter out, further embarrassing myself. He hummed, coming closer. "Are you sure, you're oddly red. Are you sick?" He asked worriedly. I gave him a small smile. "No...It's just something Eden said. Nothing to worry about." I assured him. He relaxed, moving away. I wish he didn't. "Alright then, as I was saying." He said, returning to the conversation before. I sighed internally. It hurts a little when he shows he cares because I know he doesn't actually love me the way I love him. Its like he's torturing me, ripping my heart apart bit by bit.

I sigh, looking at my hydrangeas. I don't know if I can stand to look at a rose at the moment. "Devin?" The soothing voice called from behind me. I turned. "Yes?" I questioned, trying my best to remain calm. He hummed, coming over he looked over the flowers. "You...did I good job." He complimented. I smiled. "Thank you. But what are you doing here?" I asked. He chuckled. "What? I can't walk around my own guild?" He questioned. I blushed. "Ohhh...uhhh...I didn't mean it like that!" I squealed. He hummed. "Well, I came to see apologize." He said, looking down. I blinked. "What for?" I asked, my voice a little quite. He sighed. "For how I treated you, back in Salode. I...I shouldn't have led you on like that just to disregard your confession I...I guess I was...scared. Not for myself but for you. I was worried that if you got to close to me you would end up hurt and that's the honest truth." He said, tears sliding down his face. Out of instinct I hugged him tightly. "Oh Ritchie! I understand. I was stupid, you've got so many responsibilities I shouldn't have brought this one you!" I cried. He shook his head. "No, it's fine. I don't mind. I love you Devin. More than you can imagine." He said before leaning into me. I smiled, tears spilling from my eyes. "I love you too Ritchie."

-The End-

Yep- I didn't know what to do with this. Sorry it took so long.

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