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I hope anyone that stumbles across this enjoys reading it, I wrote this during lockdown after suffering 2 miscarriages myself.  It became therapy for me, I also had a bit of a Richard Armitage obsession at the time so the character of Will Melksham is loosely based on him!

Stuart is very much based on past boyfriends, read into that what you will as the story develops!

If you, like me, have suffered a miscarriage or any kind of baby loss it's a very lonely thing, i highly recommend the Miscarriage Association for support.  I also had some counselling, and I must say it was one of the best investments i've ever made in myself, it helped me so much.

Anyway, I hope you like my first attempt at a romance novel.  I'm working on something new but between going back to work and my baby I don't have a lot of time.  This story however is finished apart from some editing so I will try to add new chapters regularly,

Thanks for reading!


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