chapter 2

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Sunghoon was sure he was the unluckiest person at that moment.

Things had started just fine. They had arrived at a club Sunghoon had never heard of, which wasn’t surprising, and they were having fun. Jungwon and Sunoo had a couple of drinks, Sunghoon had chosen not to. He wasn’t against drinking and he wasn’t driving, but he decided it would be too much for him. He was already doing something he wasn’t used to; he just wasn’t ready to also drink while at it. They danced for a bit, a couple of guys tried to join them, alphas and betas, but they managed to shake them off.

Past his initial fear and apprehension of the whole situation, Sunghoon was having a good time. When they first got there, he had felt a little overwhelmed. The music was so loud he could barely hear his own thoughts; the concentration of people made it so it smelled strongly of everything at once; and the lights were either blinding or too dim to see anything. But, having Sunoo and Jungwon by his side, he felt okay enough to stay and enjoy.

The first guy that approached him as they danced made him almost jump out of his skin. He had not been expecting it, focusing on Sunoo and Jungwon, when a hand placed itself on his waist. He didn’t turn around, instead he took a step closer to Sunoo who immediately made the guy take his hand off Sunghoon. It took a minute or so more for Sunghoon to realise that had been an alpha trying to dance with him. He was grateful Sunoo was there, he wouldn’t have known how to deal with that otherwise.

And so, despite everything, he was enjoying his first time out. That was until Sunoo and Jungwon disappeared.

Well, they didn’t actually disappear, more like, Jungwon went to flirt with an alpha he had seen checking him out from afar and Sunoo had gone to the bathroom. Sunghoon had wanted to go with him, but Sunoo told him to stay and keep an eye on Jungwon. So, he had awkwardly stayed standing close to the wall looking at Jungwon. Then, someone had pushed him accidentally and when he looked back up Jungwon was gone.

Obviously, Sunghoon panicked. His first instinct was to go look for the other omega, but he was scared Sunoo wouldn’t be able to find him if he did that. For a moment, he hesitated. He took a quick look towards the bathroom door, and seeing as Sunoo didn’t seem to be on his way back, he decided to look for Jungwon.

It was a terrible idea. Sunghoon had no idea how to navigate the sea of people and got tripped and pushed a bunch of times. A couple of alphas smirked at him when he accidentally bumped onto them, like he was trying to get their attention. Suddenly, he was not having a great time. He inhaled sharply when someone unexpectedly grabbed his ass. He should have stayed by the wall.

He managed to escape from all the people, standing somewhere not many people where at. From there, he found his way back to the bathroom, but Sunoo wasn’t there any longer. Now he had lost both his friends, and he knew trying to call them would be useless with how loud the music was. With a lot of effort, he tried to remain calm. It wasn’t easy, he didn’t know what to do and he couldn’t even think clearly. Everything was getting to him, the loudness of the music, the smells, the heat, the people. He needed to get away.

That’s when he truly felt the unluckiest. He crutched down as he felt pain in his lower stomach, he started sweating and not just from the heat of the people around him. Denial was his first response; he simply didn’t want to believe his heat was starting. It wasn’t supposed to begin yet, he was supposed to still have two weeks before that. Most importantly, he was not supposed to have it in the middle of a club after losing his friends and surrounded by alphas.

He breathed hard and fast; he was close to the bathrooms, so he could maybe lock himself in one of the stalls and find a way to contact Sunoo or Jungwon. Maybe even Jake, he could come pick him up. That was probably not that good of an idea, since Jake was an alpha, even if he was the only alpha Sunghoon trusted.

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