chapter 10

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It simply could not be happening, Sunghoon refused to believe it. His mum could not have seen him, almost kissing an alpha whose reputation was quite muddy, while wearing a skirt and what was essentially a blouse, in the middle of a bar. That could just not be the case.

And yet it was. He felt trapped; he already had one bad confrontation that day, he could not deal with a second one. 

He didn’t understand how his mum even got that, who could have sent it to her, it didn’t make sense. As far as he knew, no one really knew his parents, with the exception of Jake, But Jake would never do something like this to him, not even if they were fighting. He didn’t want to believe it had been him, even if it was the only explanation that made sense. If he had been at the bar and had seen him with Heeseung, that would also explain his sudden appearance the next day at his apartment.

He refused to believe it had been him, though. No amount of logic and proof could convince him of that. The impending what if…? still hung over him.  

And then Jungwon voiced his thoughts as he read the text over his shoulder, “You don’t think Jake could have done that… right?” Jungwon seemed reluctant to believe that as well.

“I- no, he wouldn’t…” Sunghoon mumbled. 

“Who else knows your parents are… you know, protective?” Sunghoon mentally agreed that they could call his parents protective, even if it wasn’t quite right. 

“Well… you and Sunoo, but I’m not sure Sunoo has a way to contact my parents, I know you don’t.” Jungwon nodded, trying to come up with anyone else who could have sent the photo to Sunghoon’s parents.

“What’s going on?” Jay finally asked, Heeseung looked just as confused.

“Someone sent a photo of Sunghoon-hyung at a bar trying to kiss Heeseung…-hyung?” Heeseung nodded to indicate he was okay with being called hyung by Jungwon.

“And that’s bad because…?” Jay was, to his credit, trying to understand. “I get no one wants their parents to see that, but it doesn’t sound too bad.”

“My parents are… complicated with this kind of stuff, a bit too protective.” Sunghoon offered as an explanation.

“Did you parents somehow hear about the rumours about me?” Sunghoon chuckled even if he was terrified.

“They don’t need the rumours to dislike you, hyung.” Sunghoon told him as a matter of fact. “This picture goes against all their rules, I was at a bar, wearing a skirt, flirting with someone who is probably an alpha; they will kill me.”

“That sounds like a bit much,” Jay commented and Sunghoon looked shocked. “I get it, they are your parents, and it’s your relationship with them, but to me it sounds like they want to control certain parts of your life.”

“It’s… they gave me so much…” Sunghoon whispered, because he knew Jay was right, but it felt like he owed that to his parents.

“Yeah, but that’s their job as your parents, it’s not your job to do what they want with your life and relationships.” Sunghoon thought it sounded harsh, but he was starting to see the logic to it. He’d have to think about it some more.

It was true that he always felt a little repressed and trapped by his parents’ rules, but with everything else they gave him, he thought it was fair. Honestly, until Heeseung he had never wanted to break those rules. He had been curious about clubs and parties, but never enough to actually go to any. Sunoo’s situation had been the extra motivation for him to go, and he had enjoyed himself. He had fun and would probably do it again, but not as often as many others did. He got to meet Heeseung because of that first night going out.

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