chapter 5

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Two options were presented to Sunghoon. He could either text Heeseung and arrange to meet so he could give his clothes back, or he could look around for him. He knew, thanks to Sunoo and Heeseung's Instagram, that they went to the same university. He also knew they lived close by and Heeseung physique and scent were very easy to pick out from a crowd.

So, as Sunghoon was a sane member of society, he chose to try and find Heeseung between the many people that attended university. It was not going well, to say it as lightly as possible. First, Heeseung seemed to be extremely elusive. At the same time, everyone seemed to be talking about him.

Now that Sunghoon was actually paying attention, he could hear Heeseung being mentioned by a lot of students walking around. However, hearing everyone coming up with weird rumours about someone he could not seem to find made him just believe them less. Especially because the first rumour he heard was about him. They didn't mention his name, but it was obvious. They mentioned Heeseung taking an omega in heat out of a club. That was all that had been true about the rumour.

He heard several versions of what had happened afterwards to the omega, meaning to him. Most of them had Heeseung fucking him in some way, shape or form. Which he knew hadn't happened. A couple of others had exaggerated the little encounter Heeseung had with the other two alphas. They went as far as to say he had beaten them so hard they had to be taken to the hospital. Which again, Sunghoon knew wasn't true, he had been there and Heeseung hadn't even touched them. They all seemed to paint Heeseung as a very violent and aggressive alpha, and he couldn't understand why.

It was no wonder Jake was so against Heeseung if this was all he had ever heard about the alpha. It seemed logical to him that Heeseung would try to not call too much attention onto himself if these were the kind of things everyone seemed to think of him. He still found it strange that no one who actually knew Heeseung would speak up for him. Tell everyone how sweet Heeseung actually was.

Sunghoon then resorted to asking around for information. Someone had to have seen him. Because if the rumours about what had happened in the club where false, then the ones that said Heeseung often didn't attend his classes had to be fake as well.

"Lee Heeseung? Oh, honey, you are better off not meeting him." Sunghoon was more comfortable talking to omegas, so that's where he started.

"But I need to return something to him," he was a bit of a coward, he didn't want to mention exactly what he had to give back. It would be inevitable to be part of the rumours if he were to do that.

"You should find a way to give it back without seeing him, it's for the better," the omega insisted.

Sunghoon tried again with another omega, but the conversation went pretty similarly. It was like omegas intentionally tried to avoid Heeseung. Eventually, he asked one of them about it. To say the response took him aback would be an understatement.

"What, haven't you heard? He is the meanest to omegas, always treating them roughly," the omega answered.

"Yeah, I heard the omega he took from the club last week wasn't seen again since." Sunghoon wanted to laugh, they were in front of said omega. He kept his mouth shut instead. "I'm not saying he killed him, I don't think he'd go that far, but..."

"Right, the poor omega was in heat, from what I heard, no way Heeseung would have been gentle with them." But he had, Sunghoon wanted to correct them, Heeseung had been the most caring and gentle with him.

"I see... but, there's no way he's like that with all omegas, right?" Sunghoon felt like maybe that could help, or maybe it would get the other omegas to admit Heeseung couldn't always be this monstruous alpha they thought he was.

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