chapter 11

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Sunghoon had managed to forget about his parents for the rest of the week, focusing on his friends and Heeseung. Now that everyone in their friend groups were aware of their relationship, they gathered together for lunch and on Friday night to give Sunghoon courage and support. Sunghoon got to see the full extent of Heeseung dotting and taking care of others, especially the younger people in their combined friend groups. He ignored the part of his brain that whispered at him how great of a father Heeseung would be, he was not ready to be thinking about that.

He also got to watch Jake and Heeseung getting closer. Whenever he was alone with Jake, he brought up how against Heeseung he used to be, just to hear Jake groan and be embarrassed at himself. And that’s exactly what he was doing after he returned from Heeseung’s apartment where everyone had gathered. Jake decided to stay with him so the next morning Heeseung could pick both of them up and then leave for Sunghoon’s parents’ house.

“It’s just not fair!” Jake whined in complaint. “The rumours don’t make him any justice, he’s so charming and fun and just genuinely nice, what is wrong with people?”

“Hey, it sounds like you want to steal my boyfriend,” Sunghoon teased him. “I’ve heard so many rumours about him, and they are all so wrong.”

“I know! I can’t believe I used to think they could be true,” Sunghoon laughed at Jake’s tone.

“Well, to be fair, there’s a couple of rumours that are true,” Sunghoon conceded. Jake looked at him curiously, and Sunghoon smiled mischievously, “you don’t want to know.”

 “Oh my god, Sunghoon!” Jake groaned again. “I really didn’t want to know!”

Teasing Jake was fun, in contrast to Sunoo, he wanted to know as little details as possible. It was also hilarious because Sunghoon didn’t have to say much and Jake would understand. At least most of the time he would; when he didn’t get what Sunghoon was implying, Sunghoon would spend the entire time giggling until Jake realised. At that moment, Sunghoon was using it to cope and distract himself from the unavoidable confrontation he would have with his parents. He didn’t know if having Jake and Heeseung there would make things better or worse. 

Having them there would definitely help his nerves, but he was unsure about his parents’ reaction. They liked Jake enough that they didn’t mind he was an alpha, even if they were against almost every alpha that existed. But Heeseung was a new, unknown alpha they saw him trying to kiss. 

They probably thought Heeseung was one of those alphas they always warned him about, the kind Heeseung was rumoured to be. They probably thought Heeseung had tricked him, or forced him, or manipulated him to be with him. Never mind that, they probably thought they weren’t even together and Heeseung had taken what he wanted from Sunghoon. Even if the photo clearly showed he was making all the advances and not Heeseung.

Heeseung came over for breakfast before they all would leave together. Sunghoon could barely stomach any food from how nervous he was. He still forced some food down, it would be worse if he didn’t eat at all. 

It took them barely over twenty minutes to get to his parents’ house. Heeseung hadn’t even drove fast, there just wasn’t much traffic and his parents lived close by. He had sat next to Heeseung on the passenger seat while Jake sat on the backseat. And now, they were in front of his parents’ house and Sunghoon could bring himself to ring the doorbell. Heeseung was trying to calm him down by gently rubbing his back, but the simple thought of either of his parents seeing that had him panicking even more.

It took him another minute, but he managed to ring the bell. He needed to be calm for this, if he wanted to make himself heard. He needed to show his parents he was okay, that Heeseung was a great alpha and there was nothing wrong with skirts or bars. He had to make them see that he was capable of making decisions for himself.

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