Chapter 1: normal start

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I woke up to the bright sun shinning in my face...And my mom yelling my name "Stella get up! You don't want to be late for school!" Weird name I know. Stella. Stella Mare. I always get made fun of because a mare in Latin is a demon who watches you sleep. I don't have many friends at school. Just 3 real friends. Clark (Clark is a lady), Jazmin, and Shane. Shane is gay. He never gets made fun of for it though.
As I get ready, I brush my long black-dyed hair. I kinda have that "emo" image going on. I throw on a white hoodie, black skinny jeans, and some red Vans. Heavy eyeliner is the way to go. Satisfied with my reflection, I grab my white beanie and head downstairs.
The scent of waffels fills the air. My favorite! "Thanks mom!" I say as I run out the door. "Welcome. And be careful!" I didn't reply as I was already in my black Mustang. Off to Colorado High. I really hate this place. Too many fake people. I only get along with 3 people and the teachers hate me. I park my car and hurry inside.
"Hey Stella!" I quickly turned to see Clark and Jazmin. "Hey I said as I flash a quick smile. "Girl did you hear what Brittany posted on Twitter?!" Brittany is the fakest bitch here. The only reason why she hasn't been expelled is because she slept with the principal. Its so gross because she is 16 and he is like 40 something, and it's illegal as all hell.
I stopped to look at Shane in drag. "I honestly don't even care. But if you need to vent, vent" He pulled out his iPhone and read "I'm fucking done with fake ass bitches in this school! Good for you you can keep the same boring ass boy! I can have 3 new ones a month! At least we've all had someone...unlike a certain loner with the red vans who has nobody. Even at home" I popped my gum and turned around. "Good for her. She can have 4 kids by the time she's 18!"
I heard heels clicking behind me. "Ugh black pumps! Seriously who even wears those to school?" Shane bumped me. "You should have said that quieter." Shit! "I don't know Stella! Who still wears Vans?" The black haired girl snapped back, hearing my question.  God damnit! "Hello Brittany. Looking extra trashy today I see." Clark and Jazmin stood by. I was never very fond of Brittany but I was never mean really. "At least I'm not alone" she flipped her hair and walked away. I kept my cool and let it go. She's always been mean to everyone. But everyone practicality worships her because she can ruin people I guess. I only try to stay out of her way. I walk to first our, bumping into a guy. I look up, only to see his face for a brief second before I looked down to move out of his way. His black hair was thin, but shaggy and shiny. His blue eyes meeting mine for a small amount of time. "Sorry," was all I managed to say without shoving him out of my way. I could feel my face turn red from embarrassment. Fantastic, I'll be late to first hour at this rate. Being yelled at by a teacher is the last thing I need. 

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