Chapter 3

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Your words held a lot more accuracy as the scene was something out of a movie. Your eyes glued onto Marcs' torso as it heaved, the clothes Steven had dressed him in this morning disappearing under thick straps of white that appeared from seemingly nowhere. The transformation wasn't expected. It tilted the table in his favour to say the least, you didn't have anything that fancy up your sleeves.

The final piece of the costume appeared to be a mask that left glowing white where his normal brown eyes were situated. The costume shoved dominance down your throat as the final wrap snuggly fit against Marcs' chest drawing your attention to the large gold crescent moon that stood out. The only piece of colour on his entire costume and the way it glinted when the lights settled back to their dull artificial yellow told you they weren't just for decoration.

A superhero? Villain? That was not expected either way. It made you laugh a little turning the rather serious situation into a more awkward one. Your fingers pressed against your lips in an attempt to shut up but the giggles got worse and you turned your head to the side.

Marc frowned a little as he failed to see the funny side to the situation. His movement caused the cape to drag against the floor a mesmerisingly consistent shake to the fabric as he closed that gap again with what seemed like only a step. He didn't know what you were playing at but it simply infuriated him down to his core.

How could a stranger know so much about him? How could you have figured out his name? Steven's work place? how he had tried to separate work and Steven, for his own safety, seemingly failing in his attempts. He clenched his jaw until it ached as your laughter bounced and echoed of the walls seemingly never ending as it taunted him.

You were laughing at him and he couldn't stand it. His hand shot out and grabbed you by the throat. That certainly put an end to your jokes as it forced the breath out of your body, the bandages that adorned his hands was rough and scratchy against your soft skin.

You gasped and one hand flew to try and pry his fingers from your already bruising neck the other hand pushed against his shoulder all to no avail as he almost effortlessly lifted you up, slamming your back against the large glass mirror that Steven had slumped against previously.

The glass shattered beneath your weight with a deafening crack and your vision went white as your head jolted backwards knocking the sense from you for a moment. The dislodged shards of glass that tumbled from the mirror and clattered to the ground sounded almost like rubber. Your pulse was slowing and it over took your sense of hearing completely that being the only thing you could focus on.

It acted as a timer with each slow pulse through your body when your vision came back Marc's covered face was close to yours. You would certainly have been able to feel his breath on your face if it wasn't for the mask. It would have been intimate if he wasn't trying to murder you. It was almost as if you didn't weigh anything to him like this was nothing more than a minor inconvenience almost like you were a bug he had wanted to crush.

Your jaw slacked a little as you desperately sucked in what precious oxygen you could but it sounded pathetic as you choked in the attempt. You had to do something. You were not dying in the damp male toilets of this stupid museum. You kept scratching at the fabric on his hand your movements slowing and becoming sloppy  a little more each time as Marc tightened his grip. You couldn't focus any attempt to was replaced by piercing white light forming behind your eyes once again with every thump of your heart.

The hand that was pushing his shoulder slipped down his chest as you grew weaker you lost feeling in your legs the tingling running rapidly up your body. Do something. Your desperation was growing and just as you were slipping into unconsciousness your fingers fell against something cold, not thinking twice about the lifeline you had found you  clutched whatever it was and ripped it downwards.

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