Chapter 11

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The words that left Steven's mouth were the two that you really hadn't want to hear. The Ushabti was gone? You weren't sure if he was pulling your leg or he was being serious. You stared at Steven with your mouth agape all signs of tiredness no longer in your system.


You repeated just to make sure you had actually heard him correctly. Your tone drawing out the word a little longer than it should have. Steven dropped down beside the bag again his hands rummaged through the few clothes that remained inside the bag before moving to the items on the floor. Still No Ushabti.

"How can it be gone?"

You questioned seeing Steven put his hands over his face. The gaps in your memory provided no help to the situation the last thing you remembered was being hauled off the temple floor. Steven dragged his hands down his face and groaned in frustration how could he have dropped it and not noticed?

You pushed yourself up off of the bed for the third time that night and walked towards Steven. Your body struggling to keep up with your commands as you limped. He looked up at you his big brown eyes filled with remorse a little anger speckled in them along side it. You met his stare with your own confused and frustrated expression you couldn't take it out on him because he was already doing that to himself.

Steven dragged his eyes away from you and back to the mess of clothing on the floor. He was worried about the repercussions that were going to come from this. He had failed in the one thing you had entrusted to him the one thing you would have gave your life for. You could see the conflict in him how he was frantic for answers how he couldn't seem to find them either.

"I don't understand? I had it safe. I was at the exit."

Steven wasn't talking to you. He wasn't talking to anyone other than himself trying to place the events in order. There was a second or two of silence in the room other than yours and his breaths before He stood up and suddenly he seemed to tower over you his posture suddenly straightened up and his presence was felt through the room again.

"Harrow has it."

This sentence confused you because you were certain that Harrow was laying dead in the middle of that tomb hopefully now both could be forgotten to the sands. You shook your head and folded your arms in disagreement, shifting your weight off of your injured leg in discomfort.

"Not possible. Harrow's dead."

You confirmed and the man turned his head towards you. His expression shifted and those kind, frightened eyes weren't looking back at you instead they were cold and unphased. Marc furrowed his brow and manoeuvred his body away from you already walking towards his still unpacked bags to get himself ready.

"Did you kill him?"

You were taken back by the question and scoffed a little.

"No you did. You came back for me remember? How else would I be here?"

"I didn't go back for you"

Marc said his tone more serious than usual. There was no hint of sarcasm in it nothing to indicate to you that he was in a good mood. He crouched and pulled out a few items of clothing he deemed worthy for the adventure ahead.

"Well if you didn't then Steven did."

"I told Steven not to go back for you"

Your eyes narrowed as you stared at the back of Marc's head. He told Steven to leave you? You weren't sure how you should feel about that given you had told Steven to leave you yourself but to hear Marc say he wanted to leave you behind hurt a little. You had just shared a rather intimate moment with the man and that's the mindset he seemed to have about it.

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