Chapter 9

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Your heavy panicked breath rattled against your eardrums almost blocking out the repetitive sound of metal piercing flesh. The pain in your thigh became non existent you couldn't feel anything but the warm liquid that seeped through the fabric of your pants and down onto the floor beneath you staining it crimson on contact. You blinked what tears had gathered on your water line away trying desperately to clear your vision. You needed to move so you could put some pressure on your leg to attempt to stop the bleeding but all your energy had disappeared and it was becoming a serious struggle to even keep your eyes open.

You groaned as you tried to push onto your forearms, shaking with the effort you cried out as an electric shock jolted through you and you dropped down. Your face narrowly avoiding slamming into the stone beneath you and your chest heaved desperately. A heavy thud could be heard followed by a splash as the water was disrupted. There were footsteps from the left and you braced for the feeling of that same metal piercing your skin by the mysterious on comer. You held your breath the anticipation was overwhelming you didn't know if you wanted to plead for your life or simply cower away and take it.

You felt strong hands grasp you by the waist and with no effort they rolled you over onto your back. The sudden movement was painful you hadn't prepared for it and the way your body jolted about in the mans grip was enough to tell him that. You lulled your head back not having the strength to keep it supported your hands shot down to your thigh and focused on attempting to keep the blood inside. Your body was being shifted again and as it was you found your head being supported and you were close to this mans chest. His arm balanced on his knee allowed him to support you and also keep his hands free so he could protect you from anymore of the unknown horrors in this tomb.

Your vision cleared ever so slightly as the tears were no longer clouding it and you first noticed Arthur Harrow's body crumpled in a heap on the floor. His blood squirting out of the numerous stab wounds that littered his body. The colour gone from his face and his eyes were wide open and blood shot, bruising already occurring around his neck and the sight in front of you strangely brought you comfort. You had wanted that cretin dead and now he was at the mercy of whatever was waiting for him. You were pissed it hadn't been you that delivered the final blow but you couldn't focus on that now.

The man kept you close and when he shifted you your attention went to a hand that covered both of yours. It pressed down and helped offer you the pressure you couldn't deliver you noted that the hand was covered in some kind of white fabric. You followed the fabric up his arms and your mouth fell open agape when your eyes fell upon the mask of your saviour. It wasn't white like Marc's had been instead it was black you hadn't noticed when examining but the fabric wasn't like bandages either it seemed a lot more secure and protective than what Marc's costume was covered with. Though a lot of it seemed to stay the same design wise other than the different colour scheme that was comprised of white and black his mask was clouded by the hood obscuring his eyes from you and the crescent moon wasn't made of sparkling gold this time it was pearl white.

Jake stared down at you through the mask. He  hadn't thought twice about going back for you unlike the other two who had actually gone through with abandoning you. His grip on your body tightened at the thought of what could have happened because of their cowardice. Jake had simply stayed back and watched you while waiting for the right time he had pieced together certain things from both Marc and Steven's point of view and came to his own conclusion. He admired you. He liked you not for the same reason that Steven might or that Marc may come to accept sooner than he would realise but because you were persistent you weren't backing down to anything no matter the obstacles in your way.

You had your mind set on something and Jake admired that trait more than anything. He liked the fire you had lit under them he hadn't seen much but he knew it was a welcomed change to them all. A thing they could all agree on. Jake moved away from your lower body and tore off some fabric from your already ruined shirt. You would have protested but your body was comfortably numb at this point you hadn't noticed him move your hands away from the gunshot wound and only dragged your eyes from his mask to watch him apply a tourniquet. You managed a weak smile before you welcomed the darkness that swarmed your eyes and as Jake lifted you from the dirty floor you blacked out.

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