Chapter 8

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The voice seemed to fade out as Harrow was speaking to you both. The world sounded like it was under water everything so unrealistic to you. Your eyes were glued on Arthur taking in such pointless things like how his clothes were ruffed up or how he limped a little more when he took a step forward. His cane tapped against the marble of the floor as he made his way towards both you and Steven.

He looked roughed up which wasn't like him he always took pride in his appearance instead he was looking like a corpse in front of you. His hair was matted to his scalp with what you thought was water but a closer look showed it to be his own blood. It was dried and ran down his jaw from an unseen wound near his temple. His clothes torn and covered with a layer of sand and cobwebs stuck to the fabric the only thing intact was that stupid cane he used. You weren't entirely sure where he had came from perhaps his crew had taken the other tunnel to you and Marc, now you were glad you hadn't split up like you previously thought to do.

"Hand it over"

His voice slowly came back to you, the world resurfaced and brought you to your senses. You were still a little dazed from the sudden interruption but weren't allowed anytime to catch your breath. Steven shook his head aggressively from side to side the Ushabti came close to his chest as he clutched onto the stone statuette with both his hands. He couldn't take a step away unless he climbed over the sarcophagus he was trapped there with Harrow closing in.

Arthur had one hand outstretched expecting Steven to drop the idol into it like he was an obedient dog but when Steven didn't Harrow's eye twitched. He was now stood toe to toe with the man having to look up at him only a little but the height difference seemed huge from where you were standing. Steven always made himself smaller than he actually was he hunched when he walked and tried to stay huddled away from everyone taking only his own company when he could.

Marc on the other hand he held himself with pride like he was the most dangerous man to grace anyone's presence. The contrast still shocked you and you had witnessed the shifts a few times now. The first time gave you goosebumps as you recalled it the way the mood and feel had shifted instantly when Marc came to the front.

The suit he adorned was something you needed to see again He exuded an energy that was intimidating in itself whereas Steven was much more warm and welcoming. You knew which you were starting to prefer.

"No way"

Steven whispered his voice hardly carried any weight to it as he gave Harrow a verbal answer. You couldn't stand by and watch it was starting to get a lot harder to be the bystander. If you had a weapon you would have planted it in Harrow's skull the second he walked in here. The room you were in was bound to have something you could use even if it was a pot you were sure you could do a decent amount of damage to allow you and Steven time to escape.

You weren't sure how you were going to move away to find something without Harrow seeing but you weren't even sure if he had seen you now that you thought about. You noticed Steven's eyes flick to the side away from Harrow's face and towards you he was trying not to panic at the proximity between Harrow and himself but the fleeting eye contact was a huge sign of submission and enough for the other man to make a move.

Harrow reached a bony hand out and tried to snatch the Ushabti from Steven but he felt his hands move on their own and he moved it away, turning his body to shield the statue. Harrow growled and tried to snatch the statue again his hand scratched against Steven's arm and refused to let go of the fabric he grabbed in the process.

Steven shrugged his arm trying to shake the grip off but to no avail Harrow was seemingly a lot stronger than you had previously thought.

"Get off!"

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