Chapter 16

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The bushes surrounding the property shook. The wind was almost non existent so you couldn't put it down to the breeze. The movement grew more intense and the ambush all happened far to quickly for you to process. The air around you was hot making it hard to breath that coupled with the adrenaline was a serious head rush.

The moon was bright above you all it cast a eerie low glow over the property beneath you. Why would it go off without a hitch? You could kick yourself for assuming it would have been this easy. Anton knew you were planning something you made it quite obvious when you threatened him back at the bar.

It was silent. The rustle of the bushes seemingly drowned itself out as the wind suddenly picked up causing you to take a step forward from the force of the element. Your hair flew across your face obscuring your vision from the oncoming attack. You desperately shook your head to dislodge the distraction but the wind howled past you with more ferocity than before.

Sand started to pick up from the pit a few feet away from you. It pelted against the exposed skin of your hands and face feeling like tiny little daggers prodding against your skin. You covered your face and hunched over, your back turned to the attack for only a second but seemingly that was all they needed to make the first move.

The sound suddenly came screeching back to you as the loud battle cry from Anton's security ripped through the air. It screeched and sounded warbled from all the different voices, catching you of guard by how many people outnumbered both you and Steven.

You felt a harsh whack against your back and stumbled from the impact. A gun shot. They were armed. You had to keep a fair distance from them to avoid any serious damage coming to you. You weren't fully back on your feet yet your leg was recovering still and you couldn't afford to let them see that.

There was no time to waste when you remembered Steven was by your side. He wasn't wearing any protective clothing he could die here and that would be on your head. You jumped back and grabbed Steven's arm before attempting to break into a full sprint to get behind some form of cover.

He didn't budge.

You tried to regain your footing when he didn't move and pull Steven but again he stayed where he was standing and you finally looked at him. He wasn't wearing his dark clothes anymore instead he was clad in pearl white. You had seen something like that before but this was completely different.

Steven's stance was protective as He had his arm out ushering you behind him. This didn't seem like Steven he was suddenly confident, ready to take down anyone who would harm you. Though when you looked down to his hand you could see it was trembling. You carefully squeezed the hand you held and brought your eyes to his mask it wasn't like Marc's this one was smoother minus the large stitching down one side of it.

The eyes of the mask were still an electric white and they sent shivers down you. He grunted a little when you shoved him back as another two bullets bounded against the fabric of your costume. The impact from them made you stumble after Steven and he in turn caught you keeping you upright.

"We might have been expected"

You stated and Steven nodded quickly in very much agreement to what you were saying. He didn't want to stay in the open for any longer and with the horde of trained killers closing in that feeling was only growing. You released Steven's hand and grabbed your knife from its holder on your belt feeling the weight comfortably in your palm you spun around so your back was pressed up against Steven's.

You could feel the taller man's back tremble with every breath he took. The circle suddenly much smaller than it had been at the start. You and Steven were surrounded and there wasn't anyway you were talking your way to safety.

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