Chapter 17

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The walk back to the boat seemed longer this time. Your grip on the Ushabti never wavered instead it grew impossibly tighter with each step, fear of dropping the statue was the main focus. Steven's suit hadn't disappeared yet and once you and him had arrived back at the dock you spent some time to admire it.

The suit was pearl white, aside from the dark stains that spoilt it's cleanliness. The waist coat, tie and pants all had the same intricate detailing etched into the fabric. There were four black buttons keeping Steven's waist coat secure yet they looked like they may pop off with every rise and fall of Steven's chest. You reminisced about His mask it was the most striking piece of his suit it was almost perfectly unmarked aside from the large stitching that ran down from the crescent moon on his forehead.

Steven stepped into the boat first leaving you on the dock for a moment. He removed his soiled gloves and dropped them onto the wood beneath him, reaching a hand out towards you to help you into the boat. You smiled and with your free hand grasped Steven's to help yourself into the boat alongside him.

Once you and Steven were safely sat inside the boat he untied the rope securing it to the dock and pushed away, sending the boat back down the river. You placed Ammit's Ushabti down on the wood beside you and caught yourself still staring at Steven. The sleeves of his shirt were still rolled up to his elbows exposing the skin on his arms with each subtle movement the veins beneath his skin would become more pronounced.

His hands flexed nervously and he couldn't keep them in one spot. They fluctuated from between his knees, up to his face and then onto the wood that he used as a seat. The soft lapping of water as the boat moved brought comfort back to you as you thought back to the ride over with Marc.

"So. Can I talk about the suit now?"

You asked him the intrigue soaked your sentence and Steven brought his dark eyes up from staring at his feet. He contemplated it for a couple of seconds, chewed the inside of his cheek before finally speaking after what felt to you like an eternity.

"I don't know. This is all new to me as well. I'm guessing this isn't what Marc goes around in is it?"

He asked you in return and that made you smile a little. You shook your head to answer his question and made a slight gesture to what Steven was wearing before replying.

"No it's not what Marc wears. It's a lot different actually"

You chuckled and Steven noticeably pouted. He interlaced his fingers and stretched his body out the aches and pains from the fight starting to really work their way into his muscles.

"I like them both"

You reassured him and witnessed the way the fabric of Steven's suit would strain as he stretched his chest by leaning backwards. An audible groan leaving him at the pleasant burn that counteracted the aches.

"That's a relief. I suppose if you like it then I can't complain"

He smiled and you rolled your eyes playfully trying to ignore the way his words could make you undone so easily. The statue once again found its way into your hands and the rough stone shifted as you tried to find out what was so important about it. Surely on a surface level there wouldn't be anything obvious that would take the fun out of it all.

Steven looked down at himself his fingers rubbed against his waist coat and followed across the splatters of blood he found himself presenting. The blood was drier in some places than others the contrast from wet to crusty made him want to gag. He dropped his hand into the cold water beside him in an attempt to clear the sins from his flesh.

It sent a small shiver up his back his fingers flexed in the black inky water and once he removed his hand he became more aware of the chill in the breeze. You watched as Steven closed his eyes and seemed to be on auto pilot as his head drifted back and suddenly the suit disappeared almost as quickly as it had arrived. There was no fancy display like the bandages on Marc's suit this simply faded away and left Steven in the clothes they had worn this morning.

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