Chapter 15

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The only way to reach Anton Mogart's property was via boat. Well it was the only way to get there without being stopped every few feet. The boat ride would be about 40 minutes leaving you and Marc a lot of time to talk.

The cab ride was silent. You and Marc both sat there for majority of the time not really looking at each other instead admiring the sights from the window of the cab. There was quiet music playing from the radio and the driver didn't feel the need to fill the silence with meaningless conversation.

Your hands rested on your lap as you admired the city passing by as your destination got closer. The lights sparkled in your eyes and the city cast you in a light making you physically glow. Marc leaned back in his seat as he glanced at his watch he had seen Cairo a lot more times than you had he knew all the sights and tourist destinations. It still impressed him.

"Marc Please let me be with her tonight?"

Steven pleaded seemingly just as desperate as Marc was. Marc couldn't hide the smile from making its way to his lips. He turned his head to look out of the window when you looked at him and you tilted your head a little confused but shrugged it off.

You reached your hand over and gently squeezed his forearm bringing Marc's attention back to you. He glanced over before turning his head and smiled a little towards you.

"You okay?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing"

You chuckled and scooted a little closer to Marc not liking the distance that was becoming more apparent. Marc turned his wrist so he could  grab your forearm in return it allowed him to enjoy the feeling of your costume and it interested him.

"What's this made of?"

He asked and you shrugged your shoulders not knowing how to answer that. Arthur had surprised you with it one day before he sent you on a hit for him. You hadn't felt the need to quiz him on it but now you wish you had so you didn't look like a fool.

"I'm not to sure actually. Harrow had it made for me. I know it's pretty stretchy material, helps me move without constriction. It's pretty protective too, can take a knife blade and be left without a scratch yet when it comes to bullets. I'm more likely to feel the impact a lot more it's not so good around higher power weapons like rifles they can puncture the fabric. Pistols aren't to much of an issue"

You explained not realising you were going on a slight ramble. The suit had a few areas which were newer Marc assumed they were from previous tears and damages as you were explaining it to him. Marc smoothed his hand along your forearm and down to your hand carefully turning it over to see the back of your hand and hummed in understanding.

"Better for close range then?"

He asked and you nodded carefully removing your hand from its rightful place in his. Your suit had saved your life so many times it was really the only thing you could rely on.

"Never mind my suit"

You dismissed and shifted your body so you could face Marc properly. The shadow your frame cast over him made Marc's eyes drop to admire the front of the suit. The zip, that was half done up to expose your cleavage, glinted and he felt a primal desire to devour you buzz up inside him. He had been denied earlier in the hotel and he was itching to taste you quicker and quicker.

"Your suit, on the other hand, is fascinating to me!"

The excitement in your voice peaked and your hands grasped together in front of you. Marc raised an eyebrow in confusion, tilting his head he sat up a little more.

"My suit? What about it?"

He asked and you rolled your eyes not entirely sure if he was messing with you or not.

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