Chapter 18

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((This chapter contains smut))

The hotel was eerily quite you were starting to suspect that no one else was even staying in this building. It was like your own private headquarters. Steven trudged tiredly up the few flights of stairs to your shared room, following behind him prepared to grab him incase he collapsed. The night was finally taking its toll on the both of you.

Steven pushed the door open and shuffled to the bed. He removed Ammit's statue from his pocket and placed it carefully into the drawer of the bedside table. It would seem the staff had been in to clean up as the bed was freshly made and a lot of the mess you both had left was organised and the room looked much more welcoming.

"Who's this person you know?"

Steven asked causing your head to tilt up in the direction of his voice. You gave him a smile before answering his question.

"She's a good friend of mine. Known her a very long time. I trust her to pull through"

You stated and that seemed good enough for Steven. He breathed out slowly and flexed his fingers as he stretched himself out a little. His face scrunched up a little as he caught his scent mentally making a note to have a shower before sleeping tonight.

"Is she like the man in the chair?"

He pressed on and the sentence made you giggle. You nodded to his question and made your way to the bedside cabinet where you had placed your phone before leaving earlier that night. You unlocked the device and Steven watched your fingers type away on the screen.

Once the message had been delivered you put the phone back on the table and sat down on the bed alongside Steven. He looked at you with a gentle gaze you weren't sure if it was exhaustion or he was just comfortable enough to admire you the way he did.

"Y'know Marc said you wouldn't be able to handle yourself if things went bad"

You told Steven and his expression shifted to one of annoyance. It was wiped away as quickly as it had appeared and was replaced with acceptance.

"That doesn't surprise me. Though to be honest I didn't think I could do it. I was so scared."

"I know. I could tell."

You sympathised and put a hand on his thigh gently squeezing it to reassure him. His eyes flicked to your hand before moving back to your face where he examined every intricate detail of your face.

"But at the same time it felt so natural to me. Almost like I was on autopilot if that makes sense? It was strange"

Steven whispered drifting off a little at the end of his sentence. His eyes dropped from your face and glazed over with something you weren't sure you could describe. You were sure though that Steven was feeling so many mixed emotions from his previous actions. He couldn't put them down to Marc this time he had to accept the fact he had taken someone's life. It wasn't an easy thing to come to terms with.

You smiled sadly and leaned forward to place a kiss on Steven's cheek. Your hand gently cupped his cheek and you turned his head to look at you.

"There's nothing you could have done. They would have killed you it was simply self defence. Trust me when I say don't dwell on it. It'll eat you alive, Steven."

You stated and after allowing your words to truly sink in he nodded his head a little. This was enough to satisfy you and you released him from your soft grasp.

Steven missed the feeling of your soft hand on his skin and subconsciously leaned his head towards your retreating hand. He felt a little out of it like he needed a moment or two alone to get his thoughts again.

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