Chapter 13

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The streets of Cairo were suddenly deserted as you and Jake traversed them back to your shared hotel room. It was chilling just how quite the bustling streets became when you got further and further from the bazaar.

The chill in the air was starting to affect you more physically despite the heat you were generating from the walk. Your arms were crossed tightly over your chest and you rubbed your biceps to try and smooth the chicken skin you were experiencing.

Your limp was becoming more noticeable as was the pain. You didn't want to be a nuisance and keep stopping to rest if you did that then you most likely wouldn't start walking again. The pain suddenly worsened and your leg gave way from under you causing you to stumble. You let slip a cry and put your hands out to support you but you didn't feel them connect to anything.

Instead Jake had reached out and stabilised you before you could make contact with the ground. You hadn't seen him move then again the world was spinning slightly unsure if it was from the alcohol or pain.


You praised and gently tapped him on the hand to try and have him remove it from your own arm. You were silently thankful he stayed there and offered you support. His grip loosened a little to allow you freedom to support yourself if you wished it.

"You sure you can walk the rest of the way?"

Jake questioned and now he brought it to your attention the hotel was still a while away and if you kept this up then you doubted you would get there before sunrise. You just had to try and get there without making it obvious if you showed weakness you doubted you'd make it back alive from Mogart's

"I'll make it"

You reassured him before leaning into him a little and lifting your leg up off the ground to bring your foot close enough to your hand. Your fingers worked the strap and removed your heel letting it clatter to the ground. You repeated the action on your other foot being careful as you balanced on your injured leg.

Once the heels were removed you didn't require the support anymore and dropped your arm from Jake's hand to stand on your own two feet. Jake took a step back and watched you collect your shoes from the floor and start the journey back to the hotel.

"Why not let me carry you?"

Jake interjected and you chuckled at the question. You shook your head to give him an answer and heard his footsteps grow closer as he followed behind you. There was a quick movement and suddenly you were lifted off of the cold stone floor and being cradled in Jake's arms your body pressed against his chest and your legs dangled helplessly over his arm.

This position. It was Jake. He had went back and saved you. You were certain of it something about the way he held you was to familiar to just ignore. You looked up at Jake through your lashes and watched the way his dark curls would jump with each step. You rested your clutch on your stomach along with your heels quite happy he had ignored your denial to be carried.


There was a small hum in response as he continued on his path. He didn't make any sign that you were being a burden almost like you weighed nothing to him.

"Did you go back for me?"

You quizzed him and there was no hesitation from the man as he answered you. He came to a stop just rounding the corner and from his position you could see the welcoming lights of the hotel just down the road.

"Yeah. It wasn't sitting right that they'd leave you. I went back and took you to the hotel"

"They don't seem to know though?"

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