Chapter 12

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Steven's voice rattled around Marc's skull as he made his way down the hallway of your hotel and out to the cool night air of Cairo. He slipped his hands into the front pockets of his jeans and sulked his way to the bazaar his jaw clenched from the growing irritation that was Steven.

He kept his eyes downcast focusing on the cobblestone that pathed the way forward for him. There was an attempt to avoid stray reflections that could give Steven a better chance to grasp his attention though he couldn't stop the mental side of it as easily.

"Marc, what is wrong with you?"

Marc huffed a little at Steven's question not wanting to dignify him with a response. He would like to know the answer to that too. He wasn't sure Steven would even believe him if he was to give a reason why he had followed through with it. There was a moment or two when Marc wouldn't believe himself despite him being the one to conduct it.

The lonely streets soon started to gather a crowd some people flooded in from backstreets while others where being shoved out of bars for being to intoxicated. Marc pulled a hand from his pocket and ran it through his hair slipping it back and away from his face, lifting his head to keep his hair in the position he manoeuvred it in. He caught sight of a stall just at the end of the high street he found himself on, further down seemed to be the more compacted marketplace.

The stall was decorated with authentic merchandise. There were mirrors hanging from the sides along with other trinkets like charms or rings dotted about on the front of the stall. The vendor was sat behind the stall his eyes downcast on something Marc couldn't see but the way he noticed how the vendor's eyes would dart from place to place almost as if checking for someone made him suspicious in the mercenaries eyes.

Steven stared at Marc from his place in the mirror. The look on the mans face seemed unnatural for Steven's calm and sensitive nature. He was furious the furrow in his brow deep and the haze in his eyes was practically burning through the glass. Marc looked him in the eye and Steven didn't flinch away from it this time.

"Has anyone actually told you you're an asshole? How could you say those things?"

Steven said exasperated his heart hurt as he recalled what Marc had said about you. How Marc had talked about you like you were expendable.

"Not now"

Marc kept his voice soft and low as to not arouse suspicion from the shady vendor. He moved across the road to the stall and grabbed a seat on a bench not to far that he would lose sight but enough to keep any unwanted attention from him. The lights from the marketplace were bright enough to allow him line of sight but also dim enough to keep where he was looking concealed.

"Are you joking? What do you mean not now?"

"I said not now Steven. I don't have time to deal with your whining"

Steven scoffed and nodded his head he pursed his lips before pointing at Marc and speaking once again.

"You know you aren't the only one with opinions here. I think my thoughts and feelings matter just as much as yours"

"Not when they're misplaced Steven. You didn't listen to me when I told you not to go back for her. Now we've lost the Ushabti and have nothing to show for the past two days. All because of your infatuation with the woman who's tried to kill us both."

Steven groaned in frustration having to hear Marc bad mouth you again. He turned away from Marc in the reflection and covered his face trying to hide the rising anger from him yet his shoulders would shake from each released breath.

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