A Parent Conference Meeting

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This chapter has been updated
This will be the only chapter in first person POV

-Sora POV-

Yoshio Ootori was having a parent conference meeting. In the meeting room with the parents of Kyoya friends and I was unfortunately running late.

I arrive at the meeting room and knocked on the door.

'Come in,' A firm voice respond.

I open the door to see Yoshio, Akito, Yuuichi, the parents of Kyoya friends, and......Kyoya and his friends?

'Isn't this a parent conference meeting what are they doing here?' I thought with a sweatdrop rolling down my head.

"Hey what's the help doing here?" I hear one of the twins asked quite rudely if you ask me.

"Hikaru, don't be rude Sora here is a great friend to all of us." Hikaru Mother scolded him, it was true, I have met all of Kyoya friends parents.

"Oh, I heard all about you from Kyoya! It's a pleasure to meet you." A boy with blonde hair and purple eyes smiled. I then recognized him as the Suoh heir.

"It is a pleasure to meet you too Suoh-sama." I greeted politely with a light bow.

"Oh, you have such manners give daddy a hug!!!" He shouted with tears in his eyes and arms open. Instead of letting him hug me I sidestep and Suoh ran into the wall.

"I'm terribly sorry Suoh-sama but I don't like people hugging me." I apologized to him.

"Enough chatting! It's time to start the meeting. Sora fetch us some tea." Yoshio demanded

"I will make some tea." I bowed then left the room and came back in a few minutes.

"Wow, that was fast how did you do that Sora-chan?" A short boy with brown hair question curiously.

'He must be a Haninozuka' I offhandedly

"That is a secret Haninozuka-sama." I answered to the short boy with a faint smile.

"Is there any thing else you all need?" I inquired, looking around the room.

"How about you make us some of chocolate cake?" Akito ask

'He loves my chocolate cake doesn't he.' I thought in amusement.

"Akito." Yoshio scolded his son for the unprofessional request in a meeting.

"It is okay Yoshio-san, I will make it." I reassured the elder Ootori before leaving to make it.

After 30 minutes, I came out with the chocolate cake.

"Wow! Sora-chan that cake looks great." I hear Haninozuka-sama cheer.

"Wow! How did you make the cake so fast?" I hear the twins question in unison.

I smirk mischievously, "Well, I'm simply one hell of a butler."

I then turn to everyone else, "Who would like a piece?"

Everyone hands raise up and I walked around and gave everyone a piece. They enjoyed it, especially Haninozuka-sama.

"This is great cake Sora-kun." Haninozuka-sama beamed, everybody else agreed with the small boy comment.

"Thank you, you're all too kind." I smiled while putting my hand on my chest and bowing.

"Now, let's start the meeting." Yoshio cleared his throat.

-Time Skip- (After the meeting)

After the meeting the Ootoris ate dinner and went to sleep. I was about to go to sleep when I heard a noise. I grabbed my gun and walk to where the noise was originating from.

It was coming from the kitchen. I lifted my gun and pointed it at the unknown person.

"Kyoya? What are you doing up this late?" I whispered, quickly lowering the gun.

"I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd walk around for a bit." He explained

I sigh and nodded. "Okay, how about I get you a warm glass of milk with honey that usually helped your brothers sleep when they are restless."

Kyoya thought for a minute then nodded.

"Okay I will be in my room waiting." Kyoya then walk down the hall towards his room. After a few minutes I walk into his room with a glass of warm milk and a drop of honey.

I gave him the warm milk he lay down and fell fast asleep.

'It always works' I smirk as I close the door quietly. I then walked into my room and climbed into bed then fell asleep.

A/N: Yay!!! First chapter done I hope you all enjoy it bye :)

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