Kyoya's Reluctant Day Out

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A/n: Sorry for not updating, but I have a REAL emergency!!! Reid is being charged with murder!!!! ||__|| Oh my god my poor baby!!!! I'm have a panic attack of seeing that episode!! First Morgan, now their trying to take away Reid!!! I need a hug ;-;

-Sora Pov-

I groan quietly, 'I wonder if I would be able to get away with murder tamaki.' I thought as I walked behind the host club in a mall. "I was doing just fine sleeping." I muttered crossing my arms. Let go back a few hour before shall we?

-Saturday Morning 6:00am Third Person Pov-

The host club stood outside Ootori Manor, "Are you sure this is a good idea boss?" Kaoru asked, "Yeah, we all know kyoya hates waking up early, and I'm pretty sure sora isn't any better." Hikaru agreed,  "Why are we up at so early tama-chan." Honey asked while rubbing his eyes.

"No! Kyoya has to come! Whether he likes it or not!" Tamaki said slamming fist on his hand with his eyes filled with determination. (reference!)

"You're sending us to our graves." The twins commented, tamaki ignored her and walk up to kyoya door. After knocking for three minutes a maid answered the door. "Are you here to see Kyoya-Sama?" The maid asked, tamaki nodded.

"Well, I will warn you now Tamaki-Sama, Kyoya-Sama is not a morning person neither is Sora-Sama. So I hope you know what your doing." The maid warned making the host club pale.

"Are you sure we just can't go without them boss?" Hikaru asked, tamaki shook his head. "No! They are coming!" Tamaki marched passed the maid and walked to kyoya and sora room with the host club following.

"So which one do we wake up first?" Honey ask looking kyoya door then at sora's who door was across from his.

"Let's try kyoya first, even though kyoya is just as bad as sora. Sora can pull out a gun or knife if we go in her room with kyoya." Kaoru reasoned, "Then it's settle we wake up kyoya first." Tamaki said then enter kyoya room.

"Kyoya!! Time to wake up~" Kyoya grunted and rolled on his side. Tamaki pouted and begin shaking the bed. "Yep, boss has a death wish." Hikaru muttered, kyoya groaned quietly and slowly sat with a purple aura surrounding him.

" Hikaru muttered, kyoya groaned quietly and slowly sat with a purple aura surrounding him

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The host club paled and sweatdrop nervously. Tamaki rubbed the back of his head nervously. "H-hi kyoya! We're going to the mall!" Tamaki announced,

"No." Kyoya laid back down and soon fell back asleep. Tamaki pouted and pulled the covers off. "I'm not taking no for an answer." Tamaki then turn to the twins.

"Help him get dress." The twins shook their head furiously. "We're not going anywhere near him boss." Tamaki dropped his head.

"Fine! We have to do this the hard way." Tamaki pulled kyoya out of bed and begin shaking him. "Does he have a death wish or something?" Haruhi mutter, slowly backing away for the two.

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