To The Beach and Sora Is A Demon

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A/n: OH MY FLUFFING GOD!!! I HAVE 4k READS!!! How the fudge did this story get so popular that quick!?!? And more great news....well for me, my birthday is on Sunday yay! Also for the sake of this chapter let's pretend sora met the ootori family when kyoya was younger

-Sora Pov-

After my birthday, the host club has been oddly nice to me. "Oh sora!" Hikaru say from his table, I walk over to him.

"Yes Hikaru?" I ask, "I heard from haruhi that you help commoners ever month is that true?" He ask, "yes, I do." I replied, I see hikaru smirk and open his mouth but before he could say anything kyoya called me.

"Sora, I need to speak to you!" Kyoya said, "Okay!" I replied then walked over to kyoya table.

"We are going to the beach sora, do you want to come?" He ask quietly, "I will come I just won't take my shirt off." I say, kyoya nodded and went back to typing on his computer.

-Time Skip- (At The Beach)

I looked at the ocean and smile slightly at the beauty. "Sora! Come on and let's go swimming." I hear tamaki shouted, I stiff. "No." I replied bluntly making him go into his emo corner.

"Mommy, why won't sora swim with me?" He ask kyoya who got a small irk mark at tamaki calling him 'Mommy'. "Well, 'Daddy' sora doesn't like to swim." Kyoya said simply.

"What a weirdo." I hear hikaru mumble but I ignored it. I then walk over to haruhi who was sitting in a beach chair.

"Hello sora," she greeted softly, I sat down on the chair next to her. "Hello haruhi," I greeted softly. The ladies in the back round screaming 'yaoi!' Haruhi sweatdrop at them while I ignored them.

"Ahhh!! Centipede!!" They all screamed at the tiny little thing. Haruhi simply got up and pick up the little thing and threw it.

"Wow haruhi, you are so brave!" They all praised, "Hey, is there anything that scares haruhi?" Kaoru ask tamaki, kyoya, honey and mori while looking at me and haruhi.

"And do you guys think anything scares sora?" Hikaru ask, A lightbulb appeared over tamaki head. "Men, we are going to find out what haruhi and sora are afraid of!" Tamaki said, they all nodded.

-First Attempt-

Me and Haruhi were walking in a dark cave with a three other ladies. "This is kinda scary." One of the girls say then grabbed my arm. "Are you afraid sora?" She ask.

"No." I replied shortly, then a fake hand landed on haruhi shoulder. "Come on, who's not afraid of ghost?" The twins ask, "well I've never seen a ghost." Haruhi said, "I seen worse." I say flatly.

First attempt FAIL

-Second attempt-

"Hey haruhi-chan, sora-chan!" I hear honey shout we turn around and saw honey with a big truck. He dragged us in it.

"Okay police officers close the door!" Honey say the door closed and it was completely dark. After 5 minutes honey begin to freak out. "Let me out! I can't breathe!" He shouted, the door quickly opened and honey jumped out. "It's okay honey." I said trying to comfort him.

Second attempt FAIL

-Three Attempt-

After honey, mori appeared with a harpoon in his hand and pointed at us. Haruhi said something to mori which made him sweatdrop slightly.

Three Attempt FAIL

Haruhi and me heard a girl scream and ran up to the cliff where some guys were harassing some girls. "Hey! Leave them alone!" Haruhi shouted and try to hit one of them.

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