Chapter Five: Concerned

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That night, Dally walked home with me. It was well after midnight at that point, so it was just safer that way. Plus, I think he needed some fresh air. All that stress can't be good for you. 

The sky was cloudy and dark; the moon was just barely visible. I've heard it called a Liar's Moon before, when it looks like that- which I think is a little coincidental based on the night I'd had so far. I can't lie to save my life, and now I had to lie to my own brothers in order to save Johnny's? And for how long— how long would this last? My mind was racing with questions. 

"Hey Dal," I interrupted the silence, "Do you think you can come inside with me— when we get to my house? I really don't want to face Darry  alone, especially when I don't have my story straight. I'll need backup."

Maybe that wasn't the only reason I wanted him to stick around a little longer... but he doesn't have to know that.

"But Lex," he replied, his voice exhausted, "It'll look bad if I walk in with you at this time of night, man. We don't want to give them the wrong idea," he said with a slight smirk and a raised eyebrow. 

"Please Dally," I pleaded, "If I go in there by myself, I'll blow your whole plan. You know I can't lie, we've played poker together! Johnny's life is on the line—"

"Fine," he interrupted before I could finish my sentence, "I'll do it for Johnny, man."

When I looked away from him and focused on my surroundings, while trying to hold back a smile, I saw The Curtis House just in the distance. The porch light was flickering and I could see the living room clearly, illuminated by the lamp beside the recliner. Darry's recliner. 

We walked side-by-side up the creaky steps and to the front door. I gave Dally a look that asked, "You sure you still wanna do this?" He just nodded his head and pushed open the screen door. Immediately, Darry sprung up from his chair.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" He yelled, waking up Soda— who had been asleep on the couch. I opened my mouth to answer, but Darry cut me off.

"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT TIME IT IS?" I shook my head guiltily, then looked beside me at Dally- who's eyes were fixed on the floor. 

"Well, it's almost three o'clock in the morning! If you'd been gone five more minutes, I would've called the cops on you!" He continued.

"Hey Lexie! Hey Dallas! Where's Pony?" Soda asked, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"Well Pony— he's uh..." I started, but quickly realized I hadn't planned an answer. Luckily, Dally stepped in.

"He went off with Johnny somewhere, I don't know man. I think they wanted to talk in private, but they'll turn up eventually," he said calmly. 

I nodded my head in agreement, making sure to keep my mouth shut. He hadn't come up with the best cover-up, but at least it was something. God, he was a good liar. Hopefully it'd keep my brothers satisfied for now.

"Fine. Johnny's a good kid, so they can't get into too much trouble together. As long as he's with someone and not all alone, he should be fine," Darry reassured himself out loud. 

"You should probably get some sleep, Darry. You've got work in the morning," I reminded him, winking at Dally.

Darry couldn't argue with me about that, so he took my advice and shuffled to his room. He let out a tired, both mentally and physically, "Night," and closed the bedroom door. Soda followed shortly after, leaving just Dally and I.

"Thanks for helping me back there," I started, "I almost blew it. Now, let's just hope they'll buy it for a little while longer— at least until you can go up there and check on Pony and Johnny. Or it's reported in the papers..." I trailed off. I hadn't even thought of that until just now!

"Don't worry about it. They're safe right for the next few days. Once the story gets put in the papers, you can tell Darry and Soda that only I  know where they headed to. That way, you aren't questioned anymore and I'm the only person to blame. I'm pretty used to it at this point," he explained with a shrug. 

"So let me get this straight— the story will most likely be out by tomorrow and after that, no more lies? I only have to tell them that just you know where they went, and then I'm good?" I asked, my voice sounding eager. It sounded perfect. Too perfect.

"That's all there is to it. Told you it was foolproof. I'll see ya later," he said as he walked towards the door.

I watched him get swallowed by the darkness through the window, just as I had with Pony and Johnny an hour earlier. 

"God—" I whispered to myself, "I guess I do like Dallas Winston."

And being his partner in crime only made me like him more.

Dally's POV:

That night, I left The Curtis House smiling like an idiot. I had no idea why, though. 

I don't like Alexis Curtis. I don't like Alexis Curtis. I don't like Alexis Curtis, I chanted over and over again in my head.

But deep down, I knew that was a lie. I'm a pretty good liar, but I couldn't fool myself this time. 


Author's Note:

I wrote this super late last night, so I hope it makes sense 😅 I swear, I love writing these somewhat romantic chapters. It's fun to watch their relationship grow :)

Hope you enjoy and stay gold 🌅

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