Chapter Sixteen: Pleading

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Alexis' POV:

My feet were pounding on the asphalt, which was slightly damp— the smell of rain lingered in the air. A dark gray haze blocked out the moonlight, making it almost completely pitch black. Or at least it would've been, if it weren't for the flickering light coming from a lamppost not too far away. Underneath was a shadowy figure holding a gun out in front of them. I picked up my pace— I recognized that silhouette. It was Dallas Winston. But just as I was about to reach him— bang— a gunshot.

Ponyboy's POV:

I wiggled my way out of Soda's grip— something wasn't right. I didn't know what— but I knew something bad was happening. I could just tell. I wiped my nose on the sleeve of Dally's brown jacket— then I realized what it was. The machines— they were beeping faster than normal. I looked at Lexie, then frantically looked at Soda. He immediately read the expression on my face.

"Stay right there— stay with her! I'm gonna go get a doctor!" He hollered, running out of the room.

I looked back at Lexie, who's face was pale and sweaty. She was gonna die— right there. She was gonna die before the doctor could even get to her— and that thought only made me cry harder. Lexie couldn't die— not like our parents— Darry couldn't take it. Hell, we couldn't take it. Not Lexie— I chanted over and over again in my head— not her too. 

Alexis' POV:

I fell to the ground and covered my head, even though whoever it was hadn't been aiming for me— they were aiming for Dally. When the ringing in my ears stopped, I slowly got up from my knees. The road was covered in blood and a limp figure laid under the streetlight— it was him. He'd been hit. I sobbed and ran over to him, my breath shaky, but it was too late. Dallas Winston was dead.

Ponyboy's POV:

When Soda ran back into the room, several people were following him. A couple of doctors, Darry, and the rest of the gang— including Dally.

"What's wrong with her?" Johnny asked, fear in his eyes.

"I-I don't know," one of the doctors, who was now standing by her bed, replied, "There's nothing visibly abnormal— but her heart rate is out of control," he said, sounding just as shocked as we were.

The other doctor made his way over to Lexie and gave her some sort of medicine in her IV— I'm guessing to slow her pulse. But the machines continued to beep— faster and faster. I looked around the room desperately— Darry was silently crying in the corner, while Soda rubbed his shoulder reassuringly. Steve, Two-Bit, and Johnny all stood in the doorway— frozen in both fear. Dally was standing closest to the hospital bed, running his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"What the hell is wrong with her, man? Do something! Help her— goddamnit!" He yelled.

"Look, son, we don't know what's wrong with her, so there's nothing we can do. Just please— settle down," one of the doctors replied in an attempt to calm him down.

"Settle down? Settle down? I've never loved anybody more in my whole life— man— and you're just standing around while she dies!" He yelled, his anger rising.

"Come on, Dal, they can't do anything— I know y-you love her— but there's n-nothing they can do," Johnny mumbled from the doorway. 

"Yeah, maybe you outta step outside for a minute— get some fresh air— clear your head," I suggested— but he ignored both of us.

"Please— you can't die now— come on, Doll. You can't die" Dally whispered under his breath as he grabbed Lexie's hand.


Alexis' POV:

My heart was racing and it felt like I couldn't breathe— he couldn't be dead. I was dizzy and my head was pounding— he couldn't be dead. He couldn't be dead. When suddenly— it all went black. The yellow glare of the streetlight was gone— the blood covered road was gone— Dally was gone. And then—

there was a blinding, white light.

Ponyboy's POV:

When Lexie opened her eyes, a wave of relief washed over the room. She was alive— she was awake— she was fine. After the initial shock set in, everyone immediately broke down into tears, and the doctors silently made their way out.

"I thought we lost you like we did Mom and Dad," Darry said in a shaky voice, grabbing Lexie's right hand— the one that Dally wasn't already holding. 

"Lexie! It's good to have ya back!" Two-Bit said with his classic smile, obviously trying to hide the fact that he'd been crying a few seconds earlier.

"Lex— I love you so much— I love you so goddamn much," Dal said, squeezing her hand even tighter.

When Lexie looked over at Dally, she immediately started sobbing.

"Oh my god, Dal, I thought you w-were dead— I thought y-you died," she managed to say, throwing her arms around his neck.

It would take some getting used to— but I had to admit— they were pretty cute.

"Did you hear what we said— while you were out?" I asked, wiping the tears off of my face. I'd read that in a book somewhere— so I was curious to see if it was actually true.

"Yup, every word of it. Dal— I think you owe me an actual date," she replied with a sniffly laugh.

"As soon as you get out of here, I'll take you wherever the hell you want, Doll," he said with a grin, kissing her on the forehead.

"Hey— why don't we give the two of them some alone time?" Darry suggested— but we all knew it wasn't a question— it was a demand.

"I love you," he mouthed to Lexie as me and the rest of the gang followed him out of the room.

"God," I thought, staring at the closed door, "Alexis Grace Curtis isn't dead."

 And that thought— it was the best feeling in the world.


Author's Note:

That chapter— that chapter was SO hard to write. Trying to make this action-packed climax have sad moments (without it feeling forced) was way harder than I was anticipating. So I don't LOVE it— but it's a thousand times better than my first draft... so I'd say it's a win?

Update: After a bunch of revising— I think I love it... I KNOW THAT SOUNDS BAD AND NARCISSISTIC BUT I WORKED SO HARD TO GET TO THIS POINT—

And YOU'RE WELCOME— I didn't kill our main character 😅 (even though I really thought about it... but I have to squeeze in more romance lol) I mean, I've become attached to Lexie's character— because I based her off of myself A LOT— so I couldn't just kill her off. I've got more story to tell about these two lovebirds!

Hope you enjoy and stay gold 🌅

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