Chapter Twenty-One: Rain

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Dallas walked me home that night, almost as if to prove something to Darry. I guess in order to prove that he's a gentleman who's worthy of me, like his actions of the past week hadn't been proof enough. I didn't mind, though, I found it really sweet.

As we walked down the road, a light rain began to fall. I smiled and looked up at Dal, since both of us have always loved the rain. He grabbed my hand and we continued walking in silence— just listening to the sound of the rain hitting the asphalt. Though as we walked under a street light and I looked over at Dallas, his face shadowed by the yellow light, a chill ran down my spine and a smile ran from my face.

I was immediately reminded of the nightmare I'd had a few days before.

The rain. The gunshot. The blood.

My stomach felt as though it were in my chest and my breathing became shaky. I stopped walking in an attempt to regain my balance.

"Lex, you okay?" Dal asked, stopping to look at me. He was worried, I could tell by the look in his eyes.

"I don't know," I replied in almost a whispered, my eyes brimming with tears, "I can't stop thinking about that nightmare or vision or whatever it was. It was just like this— just like tonight. One second, we were walking around without a care in the world... but the next second, you were d-dead. I'm just a little s-shaken up... t-that's all," I stuttered, looking down at my red heels.

Dallas grabbed my chin and tilted my head up, looking into my teary eyes.

"Nothing's gonna to happen to neither of us, Doll, not tonight. We're gonna be fine, I promise," he said in a soft-spoken voice. "You want a cigarette? It'll help you calm down," he asked, digging through the pockets of his jeans. I nodded my head and wiped the tears from my eyes.

He lit two cigarettes, one for each of us, and we continued walking. I looked up at the full moon and wondered what time it was. I was kinda surprised when Darry hadn't told me when to be home by, since he's usually so strict, but I guess I wasn't the only one who'd had a rough couple of weeks. It's hard to care about the little things when you're as exhausted as Darry must've been. I mean, one of his siblings went missing and another one was in the hospital... just in the span of a few days.

"I can't wait for things to go back to normal after the rumble, man," Dallas said, taking a long drag of his cigarette, obviously lost in his own thoughts.

"Yeah, maybe this senseless rivalry will finally be over once and for all. We've gotta win that rumble to put an end to all of this," I replied with an exhausted sigh, stopping my cigarette bud into the ground.

As we got closer and closer to my house, I attempted to end the conversation on a positive note. I mean, why ruin an amazing night by worrying about the rumble?

"Thanks Dal, for everything. I really mean it; I had a really great time tonight. I think this is exactly what both of us needed, a distraction from the train wreck that's gonna go down Saturday," I said with a slight smile. At this point, we were standing in front of the Curtis house and I could see Darry reading in his armchair.

"I'm glad you had fun, Doll. And don't you worry 'bout the rumble anymore, we're gonna stop those socs into the ground!" He reassured with a confident grin.

"Really Dal, thanks again. Love you," I whispered, giving him a soft kiss on the lips. I could feel my face turning red as I ran up the front steps, then turning to look back at him one last time. He smirked and ran his fingers through his messy brown hair, causing  my heart to flutter. As I turned back around to open the door, I held the pendant of his St. Christopher necklace in the palm of my hand and sighed. Dallas Winston was gonna make sure we'd win that rumble, even if it was the last thing he'd ever do. He wasn't just doing it for Johnny, he was doing it for me, too.


Author's Note:

Guess what? I'm finally back... after wayyy too long! I've had a little bit of free time lately, at least slightly more than usual, so I was finally able to finish this little work-in-progress chapter :)

And I just wanted to thank y'all for all the positive attention this stupid little story has been getting lately! I really appreciate it 😭🫶

Hope you enjoy and stay gold 🌅

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