Chapter Seventeen: Reality

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Dally's POV:

I got up from my knees and sat down on the edge of Lexie's bed, still holding onto her hand. She looked up at me and smiled softly. 

"So, what'd I miss? What happened?" She asked, her voice almost a whisper.

"I don't know, you tell me, man. That machine started beeping like crazy, I guess it was your heart or something. Had us scared to death. So, Doll, why'd you think I was dead?" I asked, chuckling lightly.

But man— she was burned. A bandage was wrapped around her forehead, covering the worst of it, but her arms were burned, too.

I wanted to get her out of that hospital as soon as possible. I was going to take Lexie on a nice date, man, and nothing could stop me. She deserved it.

"I-I don't know— it was like a nightmare or something. It felt s-so real. You g-got shot and by the time I got there— it was t-too late. You w-were dead," Lexie explained with tears in her eyes, "I guess it must've scared me awake— I was terrified. I don't know w-what I'd do without y-you."

Before she could say anything else, I leaned in and kissed her gently. It wasn't like the day before— in the car— it was short and sweet. When we our lips broke apart, I gave her a slight grin.

"Well, you don't have to worry no more. I'm not going anywhere," I reassured, wiping a tear off her cheek.

She smiled back, "Dal... I love you so much"

"Love you too"

Alexis' POV:

I sighed happily, then a soft knock at the door caught my attention.

Dally looked at me and I nodded my head slightly— then clench my teeth in pain. God, I must've been pretty burned. I tried to hide my pain from Dal, though, because I knew he'd overeact. I don't need him scaring away anymore doctors.

"Come in!" Dally answered.

The door opened slowly, revealing Johnny standing there in a blue hospital gown— just like the one I was wearing. He walked into the room, a smile growing on his face.

"Lexie— I was so worried about you," Johnny said quietly while shuffling towards my hospital bed.

Now that I could see him clearly, I noticed the burns covering his arms and legs— hell— there were burns everywhere. I gave him a sympathetic look and he let out a small laugh.

"Don't worry 'bout me, Lex. I'm fine. Just a little burned— that's all," he reassured with a slight smile.

"I'll give y'all some alone time, man," Dally said with a sigh, standing up. He kissed me on the top of my head, then walked towards the door. Just before he left, I noticed his left arm— it was all bandaged up.

"Hey! You sure you're okay?" I asked, that sympathetic expression back on my face.

He turned around to face me and his eyes immediately lit up.

"Yeah, Doll, never been better," he said with his classic grin, then he quietly closed the door.

"You really love him— don't you?" Johnny asked with a smile, sitting down where Dally had just been.

"Yeah, I really do," I said, feeling my face heat up, "I tried to deny it for a while, but I just couldn't do it anymore. You dig?" I asked. I didn't expect him to understand, so his answer surprised me.

"Yeah, I get it. There's this person I've liked for a while but— never mind," he said, slightly laughing as he shook the thought out of his head.

"Johnnycake— you know you can tell me anything. I love you— so don't feel like you have to hide anything from me. You'll always be my best friend— no matter what," I replied with a smile.

"I know— and I love you too. I just— I don't think I can tell you. Not yet, but maybe someday. When I'm ready," he said, staring at his beat-up Converse. 

"I'm always here if you need anything."

"Thanks, Lex, I'm so lucky to have someone like you," Johnny replied, his eyes gleaming.

I don't know what Johnny would do without the gang. I mean, Steve and Soda have each other. Darry has Pony, Soda, and me— and I have Dally. But Johnny? He needs all of us. He needs the gang. We're the only constant in Johnny's life— the only people who are there for him. If it weren't for us, Johnny Cade would've killed himself by now.

Johnny's POV:

What did I say? Lexie's the glue— she's what keeps us together. She keeps me together.

"You know— Dallas loves you a lot," I said, trying to change the subject, "You should've seen him— when we all thought you were dying— I've never seen him that angry before in my life."

"Really?" She asked, her eyes wide.

"Really. He loves you so much— we all do. So please— please don't scare us like that ever again," I pleaded while tears clouded my vision. Lexie just laughed softly, though.

"I'll try my best— as long as you don't run into any more burning buildings," she said with a smile.

"Okay— that sounds fair," I replied. I couldn't help but smile, too.

God, her smile is so contagious. I'm so glad Dallas has someone like her. He needs someone like that in his life—

someone gold.


Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter took so long! I wanted to make it as perfect as possible, but I just didn't have the time. But once I realized it'd been almost two weeks, I got the motivation I needed. I think this chapter turned out really cute, and it's definitely more organized than the last one 😅

Hope you enjoy and stay gold 🌅

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