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So I was wondering if you guys were wondering about the weird update with chapters five and six. Ya know how Chapter Five has a different ending then what the recap on Chapter Six has. Let me explain this total mind blowing situation that happened to me.

So, I know this sounds life threatening to some but I don't have internet where I live at the moment so i have update my chapters at places that have interweb. When I put up Chapter Four i used a different wifi than my usual, causing a total chapter screw over. My tablet deleted the ending of chapter five. Well I had freedomhere to update for me because she is my best friend. It didn't update the ending.

So the sum up of what happened is Conner and Stella go to lunch and she mentions when a friend stabbed her in the back. Conner quoted the quote that was updated with the chapter in there somewhere and asked her out for coffee. Obviously she said yes and then he followed her home and gav her the address. The recap was about her debating whether or not she should tell him to come over for dinner. Her mom was making speghetti, hense the extra dough they had left over, but didn't.

Again I'm sooooo sorry guys you have no idea!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!

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