Chapter 22

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        (Y/n) woke up feeling completely refreshed, but immediately felt all her worries crash down on her. When she saw red in her vision, she didn't realize it was only Silver. Her panicked state frightened them both as she sat up looking around to figure out where she was. "The ruins," she mumbled.

        "Glad you're awake," Silver spoke up though he still held remnants of his surprise.

        "Silver." She met his gaze and noticed that he was perfectly fine. She hadn't seen him since he ran off the day before. "Oh no. I almost forgot." She felt terrible for what she had done. Asking Silver that question had been a selfish act to avoid what she knew would happen towards the end of the festival. Yes, (y/n) did truly want to get to know Silver better and start a lasting relationship with him, but she had asked too soon. She intended to wait until she had learned a bit more about him, but her worries threw her logic out to sea. "I'm sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have even brought that up," she quickly blurted out.

        He blinked at her. "That's what you're worried about?"

        "Huh?" What did he mean by that? Was she supposed to have other worries?

        "Your performance was...really beautiful," he muttered, immediately avoiding her stare. "But you shouldn't let yourself get like this. You were barely able to stay awake and had completely passed out by the time me and Lillie got you here. Yesterday can wait for now. I just want to make sure that you're alright."

        "I'm fine. Thank you for your concern. It's just one of my duties as Wahine Uila." (Y/n) could tell in the way Silver's brows furrowed that her words didn't make him feel any better.

        "If you need more rest, I think there's a little more time before the fireworks are supposed to start. I was told that you were supposed to be there before then. Lillie might be coming back soon. She's been bringing me a snack every two hours," Silver said. Finally the realization struck her.

        "You've been in here watching me this entire time?!"

       Silver went pale. "Well yes, but not in a bad way. I just didn't see how you could sleep on the floor. I swear I didn't do anything." He put his hands up in his defense.

        "No, no I didn't mean that either. You missed the rest of the festival," (y/n) quickly denied.

        "Oh." Silver scratched his head and blushed just enough to see. "I can just see it with you next year, right? I-If you want to go. I mean, you'll be there anyway. I don't know..." he looked like he wanted to disappear as he hid behind his hair.

        "Yeah, we can see the whole festival next year. Koko will be staying here, so I won't have to perform," (y/n) agreed. "But for now, we should head back since I'm awake. No need to stay here and keep missing it." She quickly stood up and Silver followed suit. Their walk was filled with an awkward silence as they headed back.

        "Hm? Hey, one of your bracelets is missing," Silver noted.

        "Is it?" Sure enough one had mysteriously vanished from her wrist. "I must have left it in the ruins somehow." They had just crossed the bridge.

        "I'll go back and get it. It won't take long. They're important to you, right?" Even if (y/n) wanted to decline, Silver was already going back towards the ruins with haste. She couldn't blame him. She was still thinking to herself about his indirect date request. Though it was exactly a year later, that hadn't changed how either of them reacted to it.

        Silver had just vanished from her sight when she felt herself fill with dread. "Wahine Uila! There you are!" More than anything, (y/n) wanted to ignore the voice. He was going to try again this year. Not just him, but others as well. She expected that which was why she had asked Silver her question the day before the festival. It had been her attempt to avoid situations like these. The boy didn't give her the time to even greet him. "You're as beautiful as always. Your dance was gorgeous. I was so moved."

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