Chapter 28

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        "Silver, it's okay. We can leave at any time," (y/n) reminded him.

        No doubt she saw the signs of his anxiety spiking as he waited for Gold to arrive at the secure location. "I know," he softly answered.

        "I'm not going to go anywhere either just in case he tries anything," (y/n) added.

        "I know," Silver repeated as he began to take notice of how small the room they were in really was. It was a library study room rented especially for this meeting. Silver was about to come face to face with Gold again.

        (Y/n) had dialed the number, but Silver had done the negotiating. He told the woman on the phone who he was and set up this meeting. The conditions were simple. Silver had to meet them during the day and he couldn't tell anyone where he was going. During the conversation, he managed to get Anabel, the woman they called, to agree to allow him one witness.

        "They're here," Silver sighed as he saw Gold's familiar face approaching through the window of the room. "I can do this."

        The door opened. Gold entered and sat at the table across from Silver while Anabel sat across from (y/n). The woman placed a short stack of papers down and a pen.

        "I'm glad to see you're okay," Gold said with a unexpected look of relief. "You haven't been attacked or anything, have you?"

        "You agreed to answer my questions first," Silver ignored his inquiry.

        "It's important that you answer that particular question before we continue. You may not have noticed, but we have your best interest at heart." Anabel looked at (y/n). "We also need to verify your identity."

        "All of that formal stuff can wait," Gold deadpanned with a wave of his hand. "Silver, I will answer anything you want to know even at the cost of my temporary badge." Anabel looked at him in shock.

        "As your superior I-" she began to say.

        "I owe him." Gold was serious. "It's a favor from Looker. He needs to know what's going on even if its classified information." When Anabel didn't interfere anymore, he gave her a quick and quiet thanks. "Go ahead." He gestured to Silver.

        "Why did you track me down even though the case for Team Rocket had been closed? I looked into it myself. I was reported dead. There was no reason to go looking for me." That was the first thing Silver wanted to know.

        "Because you're in danger. I told you when we met that I needed your help." Gold reached for one of the papers in the stack. "This is a list of the names of everyone who joined the second Team Rocket. It's only a copy of the original and a former member that we rescued confirmed that this list is real." Silver recognized the list as well. It was a monthly sign in sheet that all members were required to signature to ensure that there were no spies among them. If someone new mysteriously showed up on the list, the executives were able to easily find out by comparing the lists of previous months. It was a flawed but effective system.

        "It's definitely real," he said moreso to (y/n) than Gold to ease her suspicions.

        "After Team Rocket went down, a group of people calling themselves Team Remnant Rocket came into existence and began hunting everyone on this list." Gold took a pause and grimaced. "More than half of the people listed here are dead if they weren't imprisoned, Silver."

        No one spoke for a moment. (Y/n) didn't even spark any electricity from anywhere. "Dead? They were literally hunting the remaining members?"

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