Chapter 30

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        Crystal shot up from her bed hyperventilating and about to cry. Another bad dream. She thought that they would have stopped by now. "They're never going to stop. You know what you did." The girl whimpered as she pulled her knees to her chest and let her tears fall.

        When the Johto police had reached out to her a second time, she had thought to decline because she had been in a dangerous situation that almost costed her life last time she worked with them. After she truly considered the offer, she saw that it was related to the boy that she thought had perished in the accidental collapse of Team Rocket's underground lab. Guilt is what drove her to join the case because it confirmed that Silver was very much alive.

        When Crystal had learned that Silver was one of the suspects for a series of terroristic crimes, she immediately assumed he was guilty and joined the case with the intent to prove so. That was...until she actually started to learn more about the boy. In order to find him again, the Johto police had her dig up everything on him. His past, present, and even his future if possible. Her doubts began to take root as she learned of Silver's rough upbringing and constant run-ins with the law both good and bad. What really turned her to a corner was the capture of a former Team Rocket Executive that was brought in for questioning.

        Petrel revealed to Crystal that Silver was actually just working for them to gain information about his lost father. That info was never given to the boy, but he stayed believing that persistence was the only way he would shake the knowledge out of the new Team Rocket. In the end, Crystal found that she had nearly caused Silver to lose his life because of the false words of a scientist who led the underground facility. In fact, she could still recall that woman's words.

        "You think he's helping you, but he's just using you. He used all of Team Rocket! How do you think he knew exactly where to hit our weaknesses? What do you think he'll do when you are no longer of use to him!" The scientist had just lost to Crystal in a pokémon battle. Silver had been holding off the rest of the Team Rocket's members so that Crystal could shut down the facility.

        "You're lying! He wouldn't do that!" She remembered saying that. She definitely had.

        "I've been serving Team Rocket for years little girl! I know who that boy is. He just wants to reach the former leader! Why don't you ask him yourself why he tricked you into helping him get out of an organization that he inherited! His father was Team Rocket's leader! The true leader of Team Rocket is that boy! You fool! You never-" and the building had begun to collapse, taking that very scientist as the first victim.

        She had believed that woman over Silver's actions because it made sense. Logically, it made perfect sense that Silver was manipulating her all the while. He had always kept secrets from her even though he was cooperative with the investigations. Emotionally, it hurt Crystal's feelings because she had begun to think that Silver may have liked her. They had shared short moments together while trying to stop Team Rocket. Because of this, Crystal became so angry with him that she acted on that anger without even thinking twice about it. It haunted her now, but everything was over once again.

        A woman from the international police had sent evidence to the Johto police force proving Silver's innocence of the crimes. After almost two weeks of nothing, Crystal was supposed to leave Alola tomorrow. Having felt defeated, she remained in her hotel room all day only to wake up to this. "I should have fallen with him." She sometimes thought this. It was never something she would follow through with, but it did ever so often cross her mind.

        With a sigh, Crystal got out of bed and put on her uniform one last time. After she left, her contract would be over and she could go back to her normal life, but it would never be the same. Her badge clicked against her keys as she stuffed it in the pocket of her skirt and left to find some place to calm her nerves. Even if Silver had been on any of the islands, she knew she wouldn't find him. Crystal was aware that Silver had a talent for sneaking up on people and evading them.

        "Where in the world am I going?" she thought to herself as she headed towards Mount Lanakila. It reminded her of Mt. Silver which separated Johto from Kanto. "I want to go home..."

        "Well hello there. Crystal, if I remember correctly." The girl stopped and looked behind her to find the man she had spoken to while on the cruise ship.

        "Mr. G, I didn't expect to see you again. What brings you here so late in the afternoon?" She was referring to him being on Ula'ula Island when he had specifically said he'd rather not visit another snowy mountain.

        "I changed my mind. It is my last day here afterall. If I am going to see all that Alola has to offer, that includes Mount Lanakila. I just hope it's not too cold up there." Crystal laughed a bit. "You seem down young lady. What's the matter?"

        She paused, not knowing what lie she could tell to him. "I'm going back home. The case I was on has changed,  so now I'm just looking for something to do until tomorrow." It was mostly the truth.

        "What a shame. If only there were Tapu Festivals every day. I looked into it and someone had recorded the one that took place on this island. You should visit next year if you can."

        "Right, I did tell him about that. I wish I had been sent here sooner. It would have been nice." Crystal was about to speak again when something caught her eye. Had that been Gold that ducked behind that rock? A girl stood like a deer in headlights as she stared at Crystal unmoving. "What's he up to now?"

        Mr. G followed Crystal's gaze and waved at the petrified girl. She awkwardly waved back and looked behind the rock before choosing to approach. "Hello miss. Are you also visiting the mountain top?" Mr. G greeted without hesitation.

        "Yeah, something like that." The girl's fingers suddenly sparked electricity. She looked at Crystal with a stare of ice, harsh enough to mimic Sheer Cold. "You must be Crystal."

        "You know my name?" Crystal was surprised. "Wait, is she someone Gold was partnered with? I know I saw Gold down there."

        "I want you to apologize," the girl said.

        "What?" Now she was confused. Mr. G just stood and watched the scene begin.

        "Gold, its okay! You can come out now," the girl called back.

        Gold could be heard a short distance away from behind a rock hissing the words, "Lugia, why?!" He got up and approached them rather reluctantly.

        "Oh, well if it isn't Gold. Are you ready to lose in pool?"

        "In your dreams old man! I mean that. Anyway, now isn't the time. (Y/n) we need to-"

        "No, not yet. I want her to go with us. She's going to apologize to him. You said that they aren't looking for him anymore, so she can't do anything, right?" The girl, (y/n), said now looking at Crystal again.

        "You don't mean Silver, do you? He's here? As in up on that mountain??" Why hadn't Crystal thought to check there while she still was on the case?

        "That's a horrible-" Gold was cut off again, this time by Mr. G who removed his shades.

        "Did you just say Silver?" he asked (y/n). The girl didn't answer as if she were unsure whether or not it was safe for Mr. G to even know. "Please, tell me. Did you just call the name Silver? Do you know anyone by that name?"

        "I..." (y/n) looked at Gold with some sort of nonverbal communication. He gave her a nod. "I do, but why are you concerned about that?"

        Mr. G gave a sigh of relief and dropped his shades. His eyes sparkled with hope. "My son..." he whispered. "That's the name of my son. His name is Silver." Mr. G looked at the group around him. "Do all of you know him?"

        "You're the former leader of the original Team Rocket?" (y/n) asked just to be sure. The poor man looked like he was about to cry.

        "What the Ho-oh's hot flaming fire is going on here?!" Crystal asked.

        "I don't know anymore, but we're going to see him now," Gold spoke up. "All of us."

I'm just gonna sip on my tea. Nice sweet tea. Yes, very wonderful. Until next time you spectacular readers!

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