Chapter 19

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        Inconspicuous, he had said. Yes, there was absolutely nothing suspicious about Gold suddenly winning a vacation trip to another region out of nowhere and then forced to go the very next day. Looker did at least cover his tracks by leading the agency to believe that Gold was heading to Kalos. That was at least something Gold appriciated.

        An all expense paid trip to Alola aboard a cruise liner sounded great until Gold realized that he stood out due to the quality of his service. Everything was top notch and high class as per his ticket while he dressed or acted nothing like the rich boys he had seen recieving such treatment. The people who confirmed his registration seemed to even have their doubts that he was actually the correct person listed on the ticket. He was able to talk his way out of their suspicions by saying he won the trip in a raffle, but it still bothered him. If there were any Team Remnant Rocket members on his trail, they'd find him without a problem now. "Lugia, why are people so nosey?"

        Gold had already been on the ship for half a day now, but there was still no sign of anyone acting suspiciously. He refused to let himself relax just yet. He had a mission of the upmost importance and wouldn't let some big fancy beautiful cruise ship distract him with their fun events and...oh no, he was already distracted!

        "Pull yourself together Gold!" He smacked his face between his hands as he stood to the side to bring himself back to reality.

        "Are you okay there, young man?" The voice startled him. "Do you also find this crowd to be a little suffocating." Gold didn't even notice the man sitting alone at a table not far from him.

        "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you," Gold quickly apologized. The man laughed at him and waved his hand in dismissal.

        "It's no problem. I just couldn't help but notice that you reminded me...oh, well nevermind that. Why don't you take a seat here to get away from all of the ruckus. Unless you don't want to listen to the ramblings of an old man. That's fine too."

        Old man? Sure, it was hard to tell this man's age just by looking at him, but he didn't seem that old. There wasn't a single gray hair on the man's head. Gold couldn't see his eyes through the shades he wore, but he was dressed as though he was loaded with pokécash. He was definitely someone who belonged here. Or was he? Suspicions began to raise one question after another.

        "Whatever you say, old man. I'm not sure what kind of games you're trying to play here, but I'll go along with it for now. I'll have you know that nothing gets past me," Gold sat in the seat across from the man. "Who are you working for? Who sent you?" he demanded. All he got in return was more laughter.

        "Is that something popular with the kids these days?" the man wondered. What was with this guy?

        "Huh? You weren't sent here to spy on me?"

        "Of course not. I'm just going on a trip to Alola to find some peace and quiet. I've spent a while trying to convince myself that it's okay for me to live out the rest of my days making up for my regrets. Though, I wish there had been more that I could do." The man's face was unreadable. "My apologies. I got carried away. You certainly don't want to hear anything sad like that."

        No, Gold did want to hear. He was rather curious about it now that the topic had been brought up, especially since he could relate to having regrets. "If you don't mind me asking, what is it that you regret?"

        The question seemed to take the man by surprise. "Oh, you're actually interested?" He passed to see if Gold was just kidding, but the serious look in the boy's eyes proved otherwise. "I was in an accident many years ago that kept me away from the outside world for quite some time. When I returned, I found that the world had changed and that I had lost my own world."

        "Huh?" Gold took a moment to process the words. "What kind of cryptic older timer is this guy??"

        "You may not understand, but that's okay. It's the best way for me to put things. If I could go back, I would have chosen differently. I might not have lost him that way."

        "What is this guy talking about? Geez, next time I won't bother asking." Gold leaned back in his chair just enough to cause the front legs to raise of the ground. "Listen here, old man. I don't really get what you're talking about, but whatever it is that you did, looking to the past won't change it. All you can do now is move on towards the future." Gold crashed the legs of the chair back to the floor having nearly fallen over. "If you somehow get a second chance, then that's when you can look to the past as a reference to make sure that you never ever repeat it again."

        "You're pretty wise for your age." The man nodded in some sort of confirmation. "I'd like to believe my son would have been like that."

        "Your son?" This man had a son? Gold finally put two and two together. "Oh..."

        "I believe he would have been your age. I can't be for certain. But that's quite enough of that. I don't want to ruin your vacation. I'm assuming you are also going to Alola, right?" Gold nodded, unsure what to say after hearing the news of this man's lost son. "I hear the Tapu Festival will be starting tomorrow. If I had left last week, I might have been able to make it. It's quite unfortunate, really."

        "Tapu Festival? Never heard of it." Gold wondered what a Tapu was.

        "I didn't know about it either until just recently. A kind girl about your age informed me. It seems she was looking forward to the event, but wasn't aware of when it took place until it was too late."

        "Oh, that sucks," Gold muttered. He knew he had no right to pry, but something about this man didn't sit well with him. "I didn't catch your name. It would be rude if I kept calling you old man, you know."

        "You can just call me Mr. G," he answered with a genuine smile that Gold found awfully suspicious. Unbeknownst to Gold, this man would have actually been helpful to his investigation if he had figured out his identity right then.

Yeah, this chapter was kind of short. Sorry about that. Until next time you nice readers!

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