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"Thank you". Kai said whilst he slipped through the opened door past Laia.

"Sure?". She replied with furrowed eyebrows once she saw the rest of them behind him, all of them except Kai and Timo looking for some kind of invitation to come inside.

She stuck her arm out indicating they can all come in as they all looked like raccoons being caught out in the dark, all of them walked into the back garden and the blonde being thankful she had a big enough sofa outside. Mason was the last one to come inside after all the boys battled to the garden where the rest of the girls were.

"They're all just outside, I'll just be a minute I need to get some drinks. Do you want anything?" The blonde asked the brown haired boy.

"A beer sounds good right about now, if that's ok?". He replied looking into her eyes.

"Yeah sure, I'll be out in a minute". Laia replied whilst walking to the kitchen to grab the drinks from the drink fridge happy that she stocked up earlier, grabbing a cardigan in the process since the temperature had dropped since the afternoon. Once she had brought out all the drinks everybody was in conversations of their own, trying to balance all the drinks in her hand Christian had come up to help take them all to the coffee table.

"So what were you all doing anyway that made you all laugh so much?". Timo asked the group of girls as he sat with his arm around Paula.

"Just a quick game of Never have I ever, let's just say that it was interesting". Sophie laughed as she looked at directly at Laia.

"Since there's more people why don't we play it again or we can play Truth or Dare, I don't think the boys would mind. What do you think?". Valencia suggested to the group with most of them agreeing to the second option, so Valencia spun the bottle landing on Ben indicating that he will start.

"Ok Ben, Truth or Dare?".

"Truth". He replied to the blonde.

"I'll start easy, what's the most embarrassing you have ever done?". Laia asked curiously.

"You know what I blame this one on Mason, because he did it just the other day with Christian. But they took my clothes from the dressing room when I was having a shower after training so I had to chase them around the training ground in a towel, thankfully the media wasn't there because I would've absolutely ruined them". He explained throwing dagger eyes to both his teammates that were both hysterically laughing as well as everyone else.

"How could I have forgotten that, I was wondering what was happening!". She laughed trying to catch her breath. Next it was Ben's turn to spin the bottle with it now landing on Mason.

"Alright Mason, Truth or Dare?". Ben asked but Mason chose not to risk it because he knew Ben definitely would have wanted to get him back for the little stunt him and Christian pulled on him a few days back.

"Truth". Ben huffed in disappointment.

"Fine, how many gossip pages do you read a day?"

"One every other day, just to boost the ego a little". He said as he dramatically flicked his hair behind making everyone laugh.

The game continued on this time the bottle landed on Laia and this time it was Kepa's turn to ask the question.

"Truth or Dare Lai?"

"Uh, I choose dare". She said unsure.

"I dare you to kiss the person on your left". He told the girl with a cheeky smile on his face and if looks could kill Kepa wouldn't survive the stare Laia was currently giving him, because low and behold Mason Mount was happening to sit on the girls left.

"Kiss, Kiss, Kiss". The whole group chanted to the pair.

The girl turned to the boy on her left, pulling him in by his neck into a small but quick kiss. It wasn't long until she pulled away and stood up tucking her cardigan into her body more due to the chilly evening weather.

"Ok I think that's enough for me tonight. Physio and the sun really did a number on me today, but I'll see you boys tomorrow to get on the coach". She waved them all a goodnight before walking upstairs to her room.

But she didn't fall asleep until early hours of the morning as realisation hit her that she had kissed Mason and those feelings from all those years ago may not have disappeared like she thought.

Further Apart| M. MountWhere stories live. Discover now