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pasta with ketchup
[12 participants]

monday 09:38

who put the fucking glitter bomb
in my locker
first thing in the morning as well
fuck me.
I'm looking at you mount

money mase
thought it might wake you up
nicely in the morning

you wake somebody up with coffee
not fucking glitter
fuck sake

nah you should've seen her face
she was FUMING

yeah, even the gaffer laughed at her
think of a drowned rat BUT in glitter

looked as if a fucking unicorn threw up on her

very funny you lot.
BUT mason you forgot one thing
that I live right next door and I'm going to get you

money mase

☆ ☆ ☆

Tuesday, 14th September
08:30 a.m

"Where does he usually leave it?". She whisper shouted to Declan through the phone.

"Literally the most cliché place you can find a spare key, under his doormat dumbass". He replied in a dumb tone while trying to help the girl with her plan that she explained to him the night before. "You better hurry because he told me he was going into the shower like 20 minutes ago, so he'll be out soon", that sentence alone made the blonde quickly search for the key and gripping her chosen weapon for this whole thing to work in her other hand.

"Thanks Dec, love and hate you". She said before she quickly hung the phone and walked up the stairs of the Chelsea boys house to his bedroom, she set up her phone on his dresser facing the bathroom door to capture her little plan on camera. Around 5 minutes later she heard the water of the shower shut off making her get into position next to the bathroom door, Mason had opened the door and spotted the phone on the dresser which made him look around the room confused until he was engulfed in flour.

"What the actual fuck?"

The room was filled with girly laughter which made it click who the prankster was, Laia tried to make a run for it as well as making sure she didn't slip on flour in the process making her run almost waddle like making the boy laugh until he started chasing her out the room. Laia had felt a hand grab her upper arm pulling her into him, he slipped his arms around her waist locking her in place while she laughed and tried to wiggle away.

"I thought I would wake you up nicely". She said in a mocking tone, replaying the words he texted her yesterday.

"Mhmm, how lovely..". He replied in a whispered tone while lowering his head down to the crook of her neck, placing small kisses from her ear to further down her neck making the girl wrap her arms around his neck pulling him in more.

"Ok, now get off pillsbury doughboy I had a shower this morning and now I have to have another one before training because of you, oh and try not to be late. Toodles". Laia waved as she pulled away and walked to get her phone from his room, to then make her way home to have another quick shower before training all thanks to Mason's little stunt that he pulled.

Not that she was complaining.

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