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International break couldn't have gone by quicker than it did, the German girl felt sad to leave her home country but was happy to finally be able to play some football. She was finally cleared by Chelsea's medical team to play which meant that the girl returned to training with the rest of the team.

The girl returned to her normal spot next to Mason in the dressing room, with the blonde putting on her boots before tying them into a knot to keep them on her feet securely. Laia thought back to the dressing room back at Anfield and thought this would be a great opportunity to toy with the boy who teased her about the moment they shared the last time they were in each other's presence and she decided to make her move once they were left alone.

"Did you miss me Mase?". She copied him by leaning close to his ear with her breath fanning his skin under his ear, she had also decided to take it a step further my taking part of his ear in between her teeth and gently nibbled it for a few seconds until she got up ready to leave to join the rest of the team outside.

Once she stood up and started walking to the door she was pulled back by her arm and pinned against the wall by the Chelsea boy who was looking around to make sure nobody was around, when he looked back to where the blonde was pinned with this hands leaning on the wall on either side of her head, he caught a glimpse of her slipping away and walking down the familiar hallway to go to outside to training.

"Wouldn't want to be late to training Mount". She said in a sing song manner.

The boy jogged out the door and down the pathway to get to the training pitch, since the blonde was only strolling he managed to catch up  jumping on her back once he got close enough, this made the blonde laugh and shrug him off with the cute moment being captured by the media team.

"Good Morning!". She chirped to the rest of the team once she saw them gathered in a circle.

Aston Villa were the next fixture in the calendar, this meant that the team's full focus was on Saturday. The squad was split into groups and were assigned separate drills to get them prepared for the difficult weekend ahead.

Once training was done for the day everyone had pretty much gotten ready and left including Laia and Mason, the blonde had left the boy flustered and confused all throughout training making him wonder what had gotten into her since she was avoiding him two weeks ago.

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Laia had gotten home about an hour ago, within that hour she managed to make some dinner for herself. When she took her baked pasta out of the oven she had heard the front door ring the girl being confused but curious went to answer the door to see who her uninvited guest was, only to be met by Mason once again the girl not even being surprised anymore opened the door wider to let him in.

"You know you have a really bad habit of showing up at mine unannounced". She said, stood there with her arms folded.

"Yeah, well maybe you'll have to get used to it soon enough then". The boy replied in goring the girls annoyed expression.

"I was just about to have dinner, care to join me?". Mason nodded as he grabbed himself a plate from the cupboard, placing it at the head of the table next to her.

The blonde had cut herself and her guest a piece of the baked dish, placing a slice on both plates before she sat down to dig in to her dinner. Mason however had other plans, he wanted to toy with her the same way she did today, this beginning to become a reoccurring pattern with the pair.

The boy brought his foot up against her leg under the table gently caressing it while looking directly at her searching for some sort of reaction and he got one but not one that he expected, she leaned closer to him as if she was about to kiss him but as they were about to connect lips she swerved moving her attention back to her food. The teasing halted until they had finished their dinner and were cleaning up their plates putting them in the dishwasher, Mason had finally had enough and pulled the girl into him connecting their lips into a heated kiss that ended up with them moving from the counter to the couch and them remaining there in each other's embrace until the early hours of the morning.

Mason lay there staring at all the little features on her face whilst she was sleep, he wanted to trace the light freckles that littered her face but chose against it as it may wake her.
This is where he wanted to be, here with her, but how he would tell her? He didn't know.

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