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September 26th, 2021
14:15 pm
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It had now been 45 minutes since they had been locked in the closet and Laia's patience was becoming very thin, not only did she not want to face her feelings but she was stuck in a closet with the person who she's always had feelings for and who was the reason why those feelings needed more confrontation than usual.

"Are you going to stay silent the whole time or?". Mason finally broke the uncomfortable silence they were surrounded by for the past 45 minutes.

"Well I don't know are you going to talk about what you pulled me in for?". She asked the boy before letting out a sigh.

"I just want to know where we stand Laia, you know how I feel and I'm pretty sure I know how you feel. So why do you keep acting completely oblivious and ignoring it?". He started to ramble with frustration.

"Mason I just don't know how to deal with them, all the times I was going to act on my feelings I got hurt every. Single. Time, so I'm sorry that me and my feelings aren't on good terms at the moment". She said with her voice slightly raised to mirror Mason's frustration which was creeping onto her.

"Then let me prove that you won't get hurt just one chance and if you don't like how you feel we won't have to bring them up again. How does that sound?". Mason proposed to the girl as he inched forward which was met with silence as she was deep in thought thinking about his suggestion.

"I don't know maso-". She was interrupted by someone calling out for them both from the hallway on the other side of the door.

"Are you guys playing hide and seek or doing something else I don't even want to think about". Kai grimaced.

"Ugh finally". Laia groaned before calling out to Kai from inside banging the door to signal him their way.

The German located where Laia was calling out from and after wrestling with the door a little bit freed the two from the closet.

"Ugh danke Kai, he was starting to stink and it was starting to make me a bit dizzy". She looked back at the Chelsea boy who looked offended and proceeded to smell himself seeing if what she actually said was true.

"I do not, Kai tell her". Mason lifted his arm up jokingly for Kai to smell making both Germans scrunch up theirs noses in disgust staring back at him.

"Ok tough crowd". He proceeded to put his arm down and shrug his shoulders trying to act like that just didn't happen.

The three just stood there until Laia had enough silence for the day and broke it.

"Ok, well Mason I would like to say that was fun but it wasn't and Kai thank you, I thought I was about to pass out from his smelly ass". Laia pointed to Mason as she picked up her bags and keys making her way to the doors instead of the showers since she wasn't planning to spend anymore time around Mason for the rest of the day after what had happened.

"See you boys tomorrow". She waved back as she exited the building.

"Not going to lie bro you do stink a bit". Kai said to his teammates they watched Laia walk out the door, which made him receive a hard slap to the stomach from Mason making the German bend forward in pain.

"Now that was unnecessary". Kai told the smiling Chelsea boy next to him with a straight face mixed with pain.

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