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Laia was awoken by one of the worst headaches she's had in a while as well as a loud sound coming from beside her, making her not only hungover but confused as to who could be in her bed until she realised she wasn't in her room but her teammate and next door neighbours bedroom urging her to quickly check under the covers making sure she was decent before she pushed snoring Mason off of her. The sleeping Chelsea boy was jolted awake and as confused as to why Laia was in his bedroom at this point in the morning as she was when she woke up.

"What the fuck Laia". He groaned clutching his head as the headache started coming in.

"I could say the same thing Mason, why am I here?". Laia replied to the boy, with her hands on her hips.

"The fuck do I know, but you do stink so you can have a shower if you want". He said as he crunched up his nose in fake disgust, since she didn't actually smell but still smelt of her perfume from the night before.

"I do not! But I will take you up on that offer since I did just sleep in the same bed as you, I need to get all your germs off me". She returned his look of fake disgust and walked to the bathroom before looking at herself in the bathroom mirror, her eyes widened in horror as she looked at herself. Her hair was a mess with knots forming in it and her mascara being smudged under her eyes made her look like a rabid panda that nobody would want to get close to even with a ten foot stick, it didn't look pretty.

That immediately made her hop into the hot water of the shower that engulfed her when she got in, thoughts about last night were slowly reappearing in her mind making her be reminded of the make out session which ended up with them waking up in each other's arms in the morning making the blonde blush. Laia got out of the shower a while later and decided to post some decent photos she took last night before she had one too many which made all the photos fuzzy and blurry.

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○ ●laiamaytip: don't drown yourself in fruity cocktails,you'll regret it later

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tip: don't drown yourself in fruity cocktails,
you'll regret it later. xx
liked by sophiaweber, valenciatorr and 573,837 others


yungchalobah you're even more annoying when drunk 😩
>laiamay a bit offensive first thing in the morning trev 😒🤚🏼

valenciatorr I rate this hangover 0/10
>laiamay my head is thumping xx

sophiaweber couldn't have had better company 💗
>laiamay love you sophh 💋❣️

paulalense absolutely gorgeous 💞
>laiamay says the lady herself 🥰💗

masonmount worst wake up call I've had 😒😑
>laiamay as it should've been 🙄
>username1 👀

cesarazpi fun night last night with you all!
>laiamay same here skip! x

benchilwell you never know when to stop do you?
>laiamay those cosmopolitans were my weakness benjamin. xx

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