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September 26th, 2021
08:26 am
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"What the fuck was that for?!". Mason spluttered as he tried to regain his composure only to see Laia stood above him with a smug look on her face accompanied by an empty water glass directly above his face.

"Just to make me feel better and a punishment for the last week of what you've put me through". She replied, looking down at the boy with a tight smile.

"Ok now shoo, I have to get ready for training. You should thank me, I did help you out and gave you your morning shower". Laia shouted as she walked up the stairs to her bathroom to get herself ready leaving the boy confused and alone trying to wake himself up.

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10:00 am
📍Cobham Training Ground

The team were now all in the hallway putting on their boots and getting themselves prepared for the training Thomas had planned out for the group of blues.

Mason as always took his seat next to Laia on the bench holding his pair of boots which happened to match the colours of the kit this season, Laia gave a small glance in the boys direction before putting all her focus into continuing tying her boots up.

"You're really going to do this again?". Mason asked whispering into her ear which sent shivers down the blondes spine.

"I don't know what your talking about Mason". She whispered back as she finished tying her left and final shoe.

"Oi hurry up you two". Ben shouted down the hallway before he himself left the building with the door shutting loudly behind him.

"Drop it". Laia quickly whispered as she got up and walked outside to be greeted by the media team and the camera which made her put a big smile of her face to show how happy she was for being there.

13.30 pm

"No because he literally went in face first". Ben couldn't stop laughing as he recounted Kai pushing Christian into the bin in the middle of their drill.

"His feet were dangling in the air". The group which consisted of Timo, Kai, Ben, Reece and Laia as well as Christian were dying of laughter except Christian who stood there unimpressed of his teammates source of laughter. Laia's laughter haunted as she met the eyes of the person she wanted to talk to the least at that moment, Mason.

"Can I borrow Lai for a few minutes boys?". The Chelsea boy asked while the rest of the group hesitatingly said 'yes' which Laia was secretly hoping they would say 'no' making her turn to the boys with wide eyes. Mason grabbed a hold of Laia's wrist and led her to the supply closet despite her efforts trying to stop him by digging her heels to the floor.

If you couldn't already tell Laia wasn't a big fan of confrontation. Especially if it involved her feelings.

Once they got to the supply closet Mason pushed her in quickly as he locked the door behind them since he knew she would try and make a run for it.

"Never thought you were the type to have a quickie in the supply closet Mase. Kinky, but gross". Laia scrunched up her nose in disgust as Mason just looked at her with a straight face and his arms crossed together across his chest.

"Drop the act Lai, tell me why you're doing this again". He said in a serious tone looking the girl straight in the eye which didn't intimidate the girl but made her give him the same amount of eye contact he was giving her.

"You have to elaborate Mase because you ask too many questions". She raised an eyebrow as she replied.

"You know exactly what I mean, but I think you just don't want to think that you're running away from you're feelings". Mason said as he took small steps forward in her direction with Laia staying exactly where she was to show him that she wasn't effected by his words and his assumption.

"I'm not running away from them I just don't want to deal with them, so I'm pushing them aside". Laia replied maintaining the eye contact between the two.

"But you can't can you, you can't push them aside because you see my beautiful face every single day". He said in a teasing tone making Laia let out a small laugh.

"Yeah you make my panties drop and my heart flutter". She rolled her eyes finally breaking the eye contact as sarcasm flowed through the sentence as she laughed making Mase let out a small chuckle in return.

Laia had just realised the close proximity they were to one another and decided to put an end to it as she pushed him to the side and attempted to unlock the door, but failed as the door handle broke off from the door itself remaining in her hand.

"You've got to be kidding me". She huffed, running her hands through her hair.

"You up for that quickie now?". Mason joked as burst out laughing leaving the blonde unamused and threatening to throw the handle at him which stopped his laughter.

"Great, now we're stuck".

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