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"Hey boys, can we talk to you all for a minute". She addressed the team who all turned their attention to her and Christian, she had felt a specific pair of eyes on her making her turn meeting Mason's eyes as she did.

"We just wanted to explain the whole situation to you all". Christian started to talk as the girl started to get nervous about what they were all going to think.

"Laia, why don't you sit down? You look like you're about to pass out". Ruben pointed out as he brought her a chair, understanding how nervous she might be.

"Thank you". She gave him a small smile as she took the chair and sat down.

"So as you all might have heard Christian and I were married at one point, we were young and dumb but I think our stupid mistake was one of the best decisions we've ever made". She started to explain to the guys as she tried to stop fiddling with her fingers.

"I had just come to Bayern in 2019 and Julian had transferred to Dortmund that same year, of course I had to choose his rival team, but when I had visited him that weekend I met Christian and we hit it off, we talked almost everyday, met up at least once when I visited Dortmund for a few days". Laia continued, but now looking the boys in the eyes with a small smile on her face.

"We knew that there were some feelings between the two of us, so we took it a step too far when I went to Munich for New Years with my teammates. We got drunk and Laia happened to live close to the courthouse, and at this point we had stayed out partying until like 8am". Christian continued, giving Laia time to calm down.

"Once we woke up, we had realised what we had done and freaked out because we knew that if the press had followed us when we were drunk that they must've known we had gotten married and it would be plastered on every gossip magazine by the morning. But there wasn't any news of it anywhere, so we both decided to keep it a secret and tell only the people around us like our teammates at the time because we didn't know who to trust". The whole squad looked at the pair sympathetically.

"So we stayed married until I transferred here in August of 2020, since we knew that we couldn't do more of the long distance marriage since it was difficult as it was when I was still in Germany and we were both living in different cities across the country". Christian took over.

"So we just wanted to tell you all since we knew that you all probably had questions, especially with how it was publicised and put out there". Laia started to get up, when all the boys came to hug her making the girl let out a sigh of relief when all of them were understanding of the situation.

These were the people she loved the most, some more than others. But she knew that these people were irreplaceable.

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